“Can’t dance, huh?”

“I can dance. Just not with you.”

“Your loss. I got the moves like Jagger.” He thrust his hips with emphasis, and I couldn’t help but smile.

“I’ll survive.”

“Afraid you’ll fall for me?”

I laughed away his flirtations.

“Isn’t there a drunk girl somewhere you can lure into going home with you?”

“I’d rather go home with you.” He moved closer and brushed my arm with the backs of his fingers. The touch left goosebumps in its wake. “Interested?”

I blinked my eyes twice and attempted to shake myself back to sobriety. Is he serious?

“I’ll make you feel good,” he vowed.

“Yeah. I’ve heard,” I replied acidly. He gave a loud, boisterous laugh.

“I like your sense of humor. But in case you haven’t noticed, I haven’t brought a woman home since your first day.” He straightened before leaning in close to my ear. His voice nearly dropped an octave, and desire dripped from his words like a rainstorm as he played with the strap ties of my dress. “I want someone closer.” His fingers tickled down my arms and took my hand. He nudged me and whispered in my ear, “I’m talking about you.”

I licked my lips and cinched my legs together. My knees were so tight, you couldn’t slide a penny between them.

“Images of your legs wrapped around my neck fill my fantasies.” He leaned down and placed a tiny kiss on my shoulder. His fingers playfully intertwined with mine.

I’ve been propositioned in many ways. Some men are subtle. Some men are crude. But I’ve never been so close to taking any of the offers seriously. I was thankful for the darkness because there was a tightening sensation between my breasts. I pulled at the bodice of the dress to make room for my heaving chest. Chadwick brought our entwined hands to his mouth and kissed the back of my hand.

“What do you say?”

“I’m not interested in contracting every STD known and unknown to mankind,” I answered. I intended my joke to add much needed levity to our conversation.

“Sweetheart, I’m clean. ?Spotless. Almost as clean as if you had cleaned me.”

I stifled a grin and hardened my expression.

“Chadwick, if you’re going to be fresh, then I’ll leave.”

“I can always tell when you’re uncomfortable. You use archaic phrases. This is the second time you’ve called me ‘fresh.’ What are you? A grandmother?” He kissed the back of my hand again. “How about it? Give me a chance to redeem myself. Come home with me.”

My mouth bobbed open and closed. I couldn’t find the words to respond. ?Even if I could have crafted a coherent thought, I wasn’t able to form the words.

Come home with me.

Four simple words brought out an unexplored emotion. Lust. Without answering, I rose and walked out of the VIP area. Wobbled was more like it. I could not control the tremble in my legs. Without looking back, I marched down the stairs and into the ladies’ room.

Within the safety of the stall, I fanned myself with my hands before taking a few deep breaths. Chadwick was too much for me. One minute he enraged me, and the next he turned me on. Sitting next to him with his sexy voice purring in my ear and the not-so-subtle touches had stirred something in me. My panties were uncomfortably damp. I pulled at the hem and twisted my body to check out the back of the dress. I was sure the moisture had soaked through the layers of fabric.

I couldn’t escape him. Thoughts of him plagued my days and nights. He was so close that he lived within me. His voice. His scent. His heat. He stirred feelings I’d never had for a man. I wanted to straddle his lap and ride him, but my sexual morality wouldn’t allow it.

After my blood pressure returned to close to normal, I washed my hands and retreated from the ladies’ room.

On my way back to the VIP section, a tall, narrow-shouldered guy asked me for a dance. I accepted because I needed a distraction from my thoughts. Chadwick was in VIP awaiting an answer. Fear kept me from giving him the answer we both wanted.

After a few minutes of dancing, I realized my dance partner, who introduced himself as Collin, was a handsome guy. We danced to a remix of one of Lady Gaga’s songs. The pulse of the beat drummed in my chest. With my eyes closed, my hips swayed seductively. A smile stretched across my face as I lost myself in the song’s rhythm. I peeked up at the VIP section to see Chadwick glaring down at us. His eyes bored holes into my skull. His friend, James, stood next to him, and they both leaned in and whispered to each other.

I was having fun, but my joy was short-lived. Collin thought it was a great idea to ground his dick against my ass.