


“No…you came up here. I didn’t go back there.” I turn towards him, remembering I can’t look this man in the eyes. I stare straight ahead.

The bus is silent.


Without thinking, my eyes find his. The unrelenting shine causes lust to flow through my body. I open and close my mouth to refute his assessment. But the word ramps up the rate of my heartbeat, he’s right.

I’m jealous. Damn it. Why did he have to come back, today of all days?

“Maybe it’s the beard.” He offers.

I laugh, and I can't help it. He's a magnet. I check out his beard, covering the lower part of his square jaw. He is beautiful. His olive, sun-kissed skin. His dark, dreamy eyes. His firm lips.

I exhale. “Maybe. Look, I gotta go.”

I stand, and he wraps a hand around my forearm. My entire body tingles at his touch, and I hate its betrayal. He pulls me back to the seat, and immediately, his mouth covers mine. His mouth is tender and familiar yet different. I lean in greedily wanting more than I should, wanting what I shouldn't.

We pull apart.

Breathing in unison. Eyes locked. Then the though assaults me, and I love Max. A soft gasp escapes, and he reads me like a book.


"I'll be there Chase." I break his hold, and I take the moment to escape.

“This isn’t over Parker.”

“Actually it is.”

His head jerks back.

“Don’t act surprised. Was I jealous? Yes, I’ve never like Stephanie and the man I thought I’d love forever pops up after eight years…with her. Hell, yeah, I felt some kind of way. But we both know it won’t go anywhere.”

"Are you sure about that?" His finger traces down the side of my face, and I can't move. "I recall you once saying you'd always love me."

“And I still do.”

My words surprise us both. I jump to my feet using his shock as a means of escape. Anguish is buried in my chest where hope once lived. I feel hands grip my shoulders. I spin around, ready to face off with Max and see my guys.

“I can’t do this. Why did he have to come back today? Now?” I glance around disoriented.

"Baby I'm sorry to be the one to tell you, but this is not the time to freak the fuck out." Charlee steps forward. The sea of guys parts and she pulls me to her chest. "I can bull shit with the best of them. But if you expect me to sell this million-dollar house, you might as well take my bank card."

I laugh through my tears.

“The guests are walking through the house. We have only a few minutes before you’re up. What can we do?”

“I got this. Just give me a second.” Charlee passes me the microphone heading into the house.

"You have ten minutes. I'll get the guys set up." Chase assures me, leaving me alone.

I don't bounce around aimless in my life. I'm about goals, targets, deadlines. I pull out my phone, revisiting my goals for the day.