“What do you want? We had a one o’clock appointment at his office.”

“I want him back. But what if he refuses to see us?”

“Refuse?” Charlee pops her mouth. “All this fineness?”

"Why Lord…" I throw my head back, laughing.

“You don’t have to ask the Lord for the answer to that. I got your answer.” She scoots to the edge of her seat. “It’s because I bring the average up.”

We laugh so hard I swear the plane shakes. They say laughter is good for the soul. These women are good for me, and now I have to find a way to get my man back.

“We have an hour to create a plan. You’re the lead guy on this one Parker. What are you going to do?”

"The question is, can I manage my workload from New York?" I glance over at Hunter.

“I don’t see why not. Charlee and Taylor worked from California.”

"We could see it as an opportunity to expand, as well," Chase adds. "Many of the brands we interact with have offices in New York."

I nod.

“What about your real estate company?”

"I can handle my exclusive properties, and I have my parents. It won't be easy, but it's not impossible. I can't believe I really considering this. I can't leave you guys."

“Who said anything about leaving? Besides, can you imagine the GIB in NYC?” Charlee snaps.

We slap fives, and my heart is happy and heavy. But I'm willing to do what I have to.


We are in the lobby of Wine & Dine Delivery. Our plan is solid, and thank goodness we have the element of surprise on our side. Hunter managed to get us on his calendar.

My guys look amazing. I run to the bathroom for one last pep talk. I stand in the mirror, adjusting my glasses. I add a coat of ruby red lipstick because I need to wow him.

I step out ready to close the biggest deal of my life.

My guys, my sisters cross the lobby standing at my back. We load the elevator, and the moment the doors close, I face them.

Hunter, Harper, Charlee, Chase, Taylor, Payton, Alex, Ryann, and Jordan are dressed to kill, all in black. I can’t ask for better friends. I’m a blessed.

"I don't know what I'd do without each of you. Thank you, and I love you all."

We have a group hug and take a minute to ensure we’re all ready.

"The GIB is about to kill it," Alex says.

“We need to invest in a Beyoncé fan because they have never been blessed like this.” Our laughter fills the elevator, and the ding the doors open.

“Guys, we’re up.”

Chapter 12

“Max, you’re needed in the conference room.”

I glance at the intercom. “When?”
