“Stephanie Towns.” Chase confirms.

This chick cut my ponytail in elementary school. Stephanie "accidentally" spilled fruit punch down my cream prom dress. She managed to pop up at every memorable school event until we graduated from high school, and she's here now.

"I'm over it. That's years ago. This is about money, and I have houses to sell." I try to sidestep Harper, and Hunter stops me.

“That’s not it. She came with Max.”

“My Max.” I step back, my throat suddenly dry.

They nod, and I can't look at their faces. I drop my head to gather my thoughts. I've planned this tour for months, and I haven't seen Max in eight long years. But no matter how long its been, I still love him.

“Does he know this is my tour?”

Harper wraps an arm around me. "He didn't say anything. But he'd have to be deaf, dumb, and blind not to know."

"To his credit, he looked surprised when he saw me." Chase adds. "So, what's the verdict? We need to get this bus moving."

“Let’s get this party started.” I say the words, but I can't deny I'm worried about what I'll do when I come face to face with Max.

"Ah, shyte! That’s my girl.” Charlee hoots.

They head to the entrance of the bus. I’m pulling up the rear, Charlee stops before we board.

“Let me know if you need a moment.” I nod. This one is the life of the party but soft and sweet on the inside. “Seeing an ex is hard when you have unfinished business.”

“I’m good. That was eight years ago.”

Her eyes hold a hint of disbelief. "The offer stands. And if you need somebody to throw some bows… I'm your guy."

I throw my head back and laugh until I brush away the tears. “I love your crazy butt.”

“And you should.”

I accept her embrace, then Charlee climbs the stairs. I pause for a moment. Eight years were a lifetime ago and at that time Maximus Bradley it. He was everything I'd ever wanted in a man until…. Stop Parker. I’m over this.

I climb the stairs, I pat Denzel, the driver on the back, before turning to my guests. Then my eyes lock with his.

Chapter 2


I've never not wanted to be in a place more than right now. The bus moves, music plays, the conversations flow. But I'm trapped between a conniving woman and the woman who changed my life forever.

“Max,” Stephanie leans into my side.

I hold up a hand. I don’t trust myself, not right now. My emotions are unpredictable when I’m breathing the same air as Parker Belle Hamilton.

She's standing less than five feet away. I haven't seen her in eight years, and now here they are, seeing each other again, like this.

I start at the top of her messy blonde bun with stray curls fighting to break free. The stylish glasses are paired with delicate pearl earrings. Her suit fits like a second skin, and my manhood swells with each passing second.

Parker is the silent threat I never saw coming, and she wears time well. How did she get more beautiful?

"How long is this tour?" I ask, unable to pull my eyes from Parker.

“Four hours.”

"Four hours!" My head jerks to Stephanie. Her face is unreadable. "Why exactly did you select this tour? Because it’s Parker’s tour?” I say her name and my nerves tingle. I can’t believe she still does this to me.