
I hear giggling. What are they about to do?


I know it’s all nine of them as they count in unison.


The cover pulls back, and I'm doused in ice cold water and sunlight.

“I’m going to kill y’all.” I throw my hands around like I’m drowning. “And you got ice in my bed.”

"Get up! We have more." Ryann is standing with an empty bucket in her hand, and Alex has the second bucket ready. I glare from Charlee to Jordan. My guys surround my bed, and they don't look happy.

“Fine. I’m up.” I flick back the wet covers walking to the bathroom.

“Take a shower and get dressed.” Hunter shoves a hanger in my direction.

“You have thirty minutes.” Charlee tosses over her shoulder as they leave me alone.

"I hate y'all," I yell still in shock looking down at my pajamas plastered to my body.

"Love you too. Nine minutes Parker, we have a flight to catch."

Harper secured a private jet from the fleet owned by her husband, Liam. And I sit in an uncomfortable silence with my best friends.

“Where are we going?”

They exchange glances, and Harper turns in my direction.

“New York.”

“Why are we dressed in our business suits?”

"Because we have a client to secure, and you're up," Hunter says.

We sort of have uniforms when it’s time to call in the big guns. All ten of us dressed in our Men in Black suits—dubbed GIB, Guys in Black. I think Hunter does it for dramatic effect. Ten beautiful black women strolling into a conference room like the bosses we are.

I honestly love to see the awe in the faces of anyone blessed to see the sight and tell the tale. But today, I’m nowhere near boss status. Because my heart is broken.

“Why am I up? I’m working on the building. It should be Ryann or Chase, anyone but me.”

“You’re up because we’re headed to Wine & Dine Delivery.”

The air leaves my lungs. “I can’t.”

“You can’t or you won’t?”

I don’t know who said it and I don’t care. “Both. I can’t look him in the eyes after what happened.”

“What happened?”

“Which part?” I brush away my tears.

“All of it Parker. We’re your sisters. Tell us something because crawling in a hole away from the world is not the answer.” Jordan holds my hand.

"I messed up. He wanted me to move to New York, and I refused."