Chapter 10

Max left. By the time I climbed out of the bathtub, he was gone. I dressed, and now I'm sitting outside in my parent's driveway. Saturdays in the Hamilton start early. I walk to the door using my key.

"Mom," I call out.

“Come upstairs.”

I drop my stuff and run up the stairs, past my old bedroom. I look inside the master suite.

“Good morning.” I lean in and kiss her cheek.

“Same to you. Are you all right honey? It’s not often you stop by on a Saturday morning.”

I shake my head, I'm not all right. I sit on the edge of her bed, watching her add foundation to her face. Our eyes meet in the reflection, and she turns around.

“What is it?” She crosses the room and sits beside me.

“Max is leaving today.” I brush away the tears. Why am I crying? I knew this would happen.

“Start at the beginning.”

“I don’t want to hold you up.” I stand.

“Sit down Parker. Stop trying to be tough and let me at least listen." Her hands drop to her lap, and I sit back beside her.

“Things got worse after our last talk. I’ve been closing the houses from the tour and looking for potential options for Platinum Prestige and …” I reach for a tissue. “He says I didn’t have room in my life for him.”

“Well, did you?”

“I tried.” I shrug.

“What does that mean, honey?"

I scan my mind. He was the one visiting my office, coming by my place, inviting me out. I’d agree to meet him then get caught up with a client or something requiring my attention.

“I told him my life was busy.”

“Then it’s obviously not the right time.”

“How can you say that Mom?”

"Because if it were the right time, you'd make time.”

“And ignore all of my other responsibilities?” I fold over exhausted with it all. “I can’t sit around babysitting a grown man.”

“It’s not babysitting but showing Max that he’s a priority.” Her voice drops.

I glance at my hands. “It all sounds like a bunch of coddling to me. Why does love require women to walk away from everything while the man sacrifices nothing?”

“Where’d you learn that absurd logic?”

"From you, Mom."

My mother turns, and I expect to see anger or shock instead, she laughs.

“Please tell me this story.”

“Mom, it’s not funny.”