“Want to talk about it?”

“Between us?” I lean forward.

“No doubt.”

"I love her, and she loves me. But…"

Darius is a man of few words. He laughs freely, and his love for his wife and family are crystal clear. "You wonder if you fit."

"Exactly." I exhale. I struggle for the past week, trying to pinpoint what it is.

“It’s to be expected. Parker has a full life. She’s running a million-dollar real estate company and an active partner in another. Have you talked to her about it?"

“I’ve tried.”

“Try harder. Our relationships are similar. We dated as teens and young adults. But coming back together as adults, you’ll learn our women are fiercely independent and not because they have to, but because they want to.”

“Yeah, but is that what I want?”

“Only you can decide and be honest. I hate the years I spent apart from Charlee. The distance in space and time meant we had to decide how we wanted to build a life together.”

“Do you regret moving your business to Austin?”

“Not at all. We spent several years commuting between here and San Francisco. My parents are here, her parents are here, her business is here, plus her guys are here.” He looks me dead in my eyes. “And listen, they are a package deal. Charlee and Taylor moved to California for a while but flew back often.”

“And how is that?”

He shrugs. “It’s Charlee. I appreciate the guys having my lady’s back. So, know, when you enter a relationship with her, it’s more than the teenage love we once knew.”

I stare at the grooves in the table. His words hit home as the tension between Parker and me grows. Her life is filled with family, friends, and her business. It makes me wonder whether she has room for me too.

“Is it worth it?” I ask.

“Yes…a million times over.”

The conversation moves on until we stand to leave. He gives me a brotherly hug, and we plan to hang out again with the rest of the fellas, as he calls them.

I leave S&J with more questions than answers. I love Parker, but can I trust that our past won't repeat itself.

I pull out my phone to call her.

"Hey, you." I hear the smile in her voice.

“Hey, I’m outside S&J and thought I’d swing back by your office.”

“I have a closing tonight. But if you can hang tight, I’ll head over when I’m done.”

“Then we can head to my place?” I offer wanting her all to myself.

“I cleared my weekend. I’ll be all yours.”

"That's what I like to hear. Handle your business, and I'll be here waiting."

“Would you like a refill?”

I glance up at the bartender, shaking my head. It's after eight, and my text messages and calls to Parker remain unanswered. I stand laying cash on the bar for my tab and his tip.

“Calling it a night so early?”