"Eight years ago, Max asked me to marry him, and I told him not yet. He took it as no, and we went our separate ways."

I stand up and pace the floor.

"I thought I said no because I wanted to build my career on my own before getting married. But after talking with Max this morning, I realize it's more. In my head, I saw marriage as the death of me." I air-quote death.

“Why would you think that?” Harper asks.

“My mother.”

The exchange glances. I'm thankful I don't see judgment.

“Your mother is happy. Right?” Payton asks.

“She is, but she’s basically a female version of my father.”

Ryann leans forward. “You see this as a negative characteristic of marriage?”

“Yes, I don’t want to lose my life, my friends, my business because I get married.”

“And now?” Hunter asks.

“I have to figure out how to balance the life I lived with my parents against the picture of marriage you all present.”

“Then you’re cured.” Charlee deducts.

"It's not that easy. All men are not like your husbands." I glance around the room.

“Yeah, but Max seems like a cool guy.” Chase adds.

“What if I get married and I turn into a mini Max?”

"That's easy. We'd have to get you a good weave and some padding." They laugh, and I want to throttle Charlee. "I'm joking. You are sitting here talking about marrying the man. Have you even gone on a date yet?”

“No.” Maybe I’m overreacting again.

“What about if we promise to tell you if we see you changing for the worst?” Harper suggests.

“But isn’t change inevitable in any relationship?” Alex pulls her legs beneath her on the couch. “We all change a little to make room in our lives for new experiences.”

I sit back nibbling on a bagel.

Ryann turns in my direction. “I think the real topic here is whether you’re willing to try Parker.”

The topic of our brunch transitions from my love life to our quest to find an adequate building to purchase.

I listen as the guys list our requirements. I search the available listings on my computer.

“What if the current place fell through to keep us mobile?” Hunter asks.

“I think it’s an accurate assessment. Buying a building will limit us. We’re working to operate virtually. A building will tie us Austin.”

“I don’t see that as a bad thing.” Harper says.

“That’s because Liam’s business is here too. I loved being mobile while working from San Francisco.” Charlee adds.

Taylor nods. “Me too.”

“What are we saying?” I sit back.