“Ready to talk?”

“Parker, I don’t want to know if it will make me change my mind about us.” I glance over and back to the ceiling.

She sits up, crossing her legs, and I wrap the blanket around her.

“I realized after you left that I put independent and dependence on the same level.”

“What?” I sit up, my back to her.

“That saying ‘I do’ would be the first step to losing the parts of me that make me, me.”

“What does that mean? Loving me would be the death of you?”


I listen bewildered. The view of the pool from this room is fantastic. I can see the stars dancing off the water. I have two choices to stay and listen or leave and not come back. A second chance is all I have because having her again to lose her seems like a sick joke.

Dig to the source, a small voice whispers. Much like bringing my business to Texas. I can’t take no as no. No is usually predicated on something else.

“Do you only feel that way about marriage?”

“I…I guess.”

“How many married people do you know?”

“My parents and several of the guys are married now.”

“Did they die when they got married? I don’t know all of your guys well, but Charlee seems like the Charlee I met in high school. Granted she has a little more sass.” I laugh.

“I guess…marriage made them better. Like Harper. She’s just as loving and kind. But marrying Liam made her bold and a fighter.”

Now we’re getting somewhere. I fall back against the bed, pulling her with me.

“What about Hunter?”

"Hunter bloomed. I think motherhood made her less selfish, more giving, and she's absolutely fearless. She has the twins and Zoe." She smiles up at me, and I see the happiness on her face.

“What about…who do you have left?”

"Uh…Taylor is the epitome of love. She and Zach weathered a hard year, last year. But now, they're a tower of strength and wholeness."

“That doesn’t sound like death to me tesoro mio. It sounds like a new beginning.”

“It does, doesn’t it.”

I nod. "My example of marriage is my parents. They're not perfect, but I couldn't imagine one without the other. And I always aspired to have that sort of relationship in my life. What about your parents? How are they?"

“They’re the same. But…”

“But what?”

She flips onto her back with her head against my chest. “I believe my mother lost a piece of herself in marriage. She followed my father’s dreams and passions instead of her own.”

We’ve hit pay dirt.

"What do you see for yourself, Parker? What are your dreams and passions?"

Parker takes a deep breath. I focus on knowing every word at this moment is crucial because it will determine whether I can have Parker for a season or a lifetime.