I stand on wobbly legs. I blink, and my pants are around my ankles, and my bare ass is on the cold counter. My thighs are wrapped around his neck.

"Parker." The heat from his breath makes me want to close my legs until he swipes a long lick. I buck in response as his tongue plays with my clit. Then his thumb dips inside me.


His fingers dig into my heat, the more he explores, the wider I open for him. He frees my hands to run through his thick hair. Max was my first lover. The one who showed me the highs and lows of love. But our lovemaking compares to none.

Today, he teased and teased until I couldn’t resist. Stolen kisses and gentle brushes of his hand had me ready to toss my doubts aside.

"Baby, we have to go." He insists kissing my left and right thigh, then darting his tongue deep one more time.

“I’m so close. Not yet.”

He laughs, and I want to scream. I feel the end calling me closer, and I don't care if my clients are on the other side of the door. I've waited years for this for him.

"Babe, one time and we'll have to finish this later." He lowers me to the floor, turning me to face the mirror behind the sinks.

“Tonight?” My eyes meet his and hope stirs inside of me. “Are you sure?”

“I never had doubts about us. This is your call.” He uses his foot to spread my feet wider apart.

We had a love that was deep and wide and all-consuming. Can we find it again? I'm not sure, but Max knows his way around my body, and I’ll let later take care of later.

"Yes, Max and for the record, I didn't doubt us. I merely asked for more time."

He stands behind me, our eyes locked in the reflection. His hand braces against the mirror and the other slips in front of my body, between my thighs, and his fingers enter me. I buck, throwing my ass back, his eyes never leaving mine.

“Parker, promise me.” His kisses whisper across my skin taking command over my body.

"What Max?" Stars cloud my vision. My head falls back to his shoulder, unable to resist the pleasure he's giving.

“That we’ll do whatever it takes to make us work.” My head pops up, eyes wide. “Promise.”

The tempo increases, I’m teetering on the edge of sane and insane, sober and intoxicated, and I want it all.

My man. My career. My business. My happily ever after.

“I promise.”

“Thank you, tesoro mio.”

His treasure. I thought I'd never hear the words directed at me or that it would mean the world to me. The mounting pressure explodes, and I struggle to maintain my clarity. My screams are muffled in his mouth, and I feel relieved and selfish.

…loving you isn’t good for me.

His declaration rings in my head, and I mentally add one more goal to my list. I have to show Max that loving him is what I was made to do. That together, we can have it all.

“Parker, I want this house.”

Chapter 5

Tesoro mio. Max’s Italian roots was always a turn on. I heard him say it for years until his mother translated it for me.

His treasure. It's the sweetest sentiment, but it rubs against the source of all of my romantic woes. I never want to be someone's treasure at the expense of letting go of my individuality.

My own finances. My own career. My own life. But I want Max. I can’t let my only child tendencies to ruin a chance at correcting our past.

I run downstairs to rejoin the tour. Max removed his undershirt and cleaned my body. Then I left him alone upstairs to tour the house alone. The bottom is in sight, and my guys erect a barrier, blocking my escape.