I glance down at my clothes—a blazer, halter top, jeans, and a fedora hat. My hair is pulled to the side, I play with the ends until the bell chimes.

The doors open and the receptionist raises an eyebrow. The silver letters behind her spell out Colin, Baker & Garrett. Ryker is the Colin in this law firm. That hits me, and I glance down at my ripped jeans and combat boots.

“May I help you?”

“Yes…uh…I’m here for a meeting…with Ryker Colin.” I take a deep breath to calm my nerves.

“Is Mr. Colin expecting you?" Her nasal tone grinds my nerves.

“Yes, I’m Jordan Cole with Platinum Prestige.”

“Please have a seat.”

I walk to the cream chairs off to the waiting area. My surroundings look untouchable, and traditionally elegant. I remain standing and pace across the small area.

"You're the best, Jordan. You can handle this meeting. No stuttering or freaking out," I whisper to myself, walking the length of the carpeted space. I stop, noticing a set of plaques on the wall. Ryker’s name appears on most of them.

“Miss Cole.”

“Jordan is fine.” I turn recognizing the face. I extend my hand. “Jordan Cole.”

“Sarah Frank.”

“Nice to meet you.” Her grunt is rude.

"The meeting is this way." She starts off, not bothering to look at me.

I twist my bag strap. I take each step remembering the guys pull their weight, and I will too. So, I'll ignore Sarah's behavior. Then she shows me to a conference room and leaves without another word.

I send a group text to the guys, For the record, I hate doing these meetings.

Imagine everyone in their underwear, Chase suggests.

The laughing emojis from them cause my phone to chime back-to-back. I turn off my sound and laugh.

Whoever made that suggestion has NEVER sat in a meeting with old used car salesmen, Payton adds. I shake my head at the imagery.

That’s not relaxing, I add.

Exactly, Payton responds.

Old balls and dad bellies help you relax Chase? Charlee responds.

Ugh. What is wrong with you guys? Old balls? Alex adds a shocked emoji.

I can't contain my laughter. I laugh until I cry. I'm drying my eyes when the door swings open. I jump to my feet, brushing the tears from my eyes.

“How long have you been waiting?”

“Not long.” I pass an approving eye over Ryker. He’s wearing a dark blue suit and a pink tie. I’m not sure how to greet him. “Am I early?”

“You’re fine." He crosses the room, slipping his warm hands beneath my blazer and across my bare skin. His head drops until his lips cover mine.

I lean in moaning when he slips me a little tongue. “Here?”

“Yes, Jordan.”

“How was your day?” I notice the slight bags under his beautiful eyes.