“Your place.”

Chapter 4

“Welcome to my home.”

We rode in silence. I drop Jordan's shoes on the floor and lock the door behind us. She turns around, walking backward. She stops, and her eyes roam my body. I openly do the same.

Jordan is slim with a mouthful of breast and a handful of ass. The shape of her costume gives me a good view of her trim waist and the length of her tone legs. A thought halts my visual tour—she's probably naked beneath that thin pink fabric.

My cock swells, and her eyes drop to the front of my pants.

“Can I get you anything?”

She shakes her head. Why did I have to remember her lack of panties, right now? I want her, but the energy between us makes me question whether we should cross that line. This energy is nothing like I've experienced before.

But nothing about tonight or Jordan Cole is normal.

I expected a regular dinner with Erik, and he drops a political campaign in my lap. I expected a simple pop in appearance at X's Halloween party, and I leave with Jordan. I expected a night alone with client files, and the woman I’ve tried to figure out is beneath my roof.

“Are you this quiet with everyone?” I grab the back of my neck and close the space between us.

"You make me nervous." She twists a little, reaching for her wings.

“Here, let me help you with that. Turn on the light so I can see.” She reaches for the lamp on the hallway table. I inspect the handiwork and see a few safety pins. I go to work and use this moment to satisfy my curiosity. “Why do I make you nervous?”

She peers over her shoulder, and our eyes hold. "I'm still trying to figure it out," escapes in a whisper.

“What do you need to know to make you comfortable?” I trace a path down the side of her neck.

Her eyes flutter closed. "I'm not uncomfortable."

"But, you're nervous?”

“Yes." She smiles, and I'm confused. "There's something about the energy between us."

"I wondered if it was just me," I confess, noticing for the first time that her smooth brown skin is void of its usual artwork. "What happened to your tats?"

“There underneath the makeup.”

“Makeup?" I remove the lampshade, and I can't see anything. "So, what changed tonight?" I reach for the light and turn it off. We walk in sync until her back is against the wall.

"Halloween." She shrugs, running a finger down the buttons of my shirt. "And my willingness to try something different."

I run my hands up the sides of her legs until I reach the hem of her very short skirt. Her eyes dip closed, and I continue my journey until my hands start to roam her bare ass. Her skin feels better than silk. I squeeze, and she moans.

I push the skirt to her waist and lower until I'm level with the apex of her thighs. I glance up. "And how does the pink hair and wings enter the equation?"

“I wanted to get your attention.” Her big brown eyes are dark with desire.

"Well, princess, you got it."

I drape one leg over my shoulder, then the other. I inhale the scent of her sweet pussy, unable to resist the urge to taste her.

My legs are spread wide, and Ryker passes a bold swipe of his tongue. I press the palms of my hands against the wall, bracing myself for the assault he wages. He works me. I gather my breast squeezing my tits the way he's squeezing my ass.

“Ryker…" The vibration humming through my body competes with the echo of my cries for release. I'm climbing the wall, and his mouth is following me.

"Why didn't you tell me?" His hoarse question is lost in the sweet heat he's invoking. "Why, Jordan?"