Hunter tried to give me a lesson for walking in high heels, she said something about pretending I’m on a runway. Thankfully, Taylor begged me to ignore Hunter and whispered, heel-toe rest, heel-toe rest.

The rest lets me rock into my hip and gather my bearings before continuing. After seeing I could stay on my feet, she added, Don’t worry about trying to sway your hips, the full skirt will give a sexy appeal if you keep a consistent pace. Heel-toe rest. Heel-toe rest.

And don’t fall, the guys sang in unison.

I turn around on the barstool and face the direction I need to go. I roll back my shoulders, and I stand on wobbly legs. I feel the sway of my wings, and I feel like a real fairy.

Heel-toe rest. Heel-toe rest.

The guys worked on me for hours. The halter-style bodice fits my trim frame to perfection. The dress flairs at the waist in pink tulle with a little mini skirt beneath for coverage.

Heel-toe rest. Heel-toe rest.

I’m amazed that none of my tattoos are visible through the body makeup. I fought to keep my signature black lipstick and septum ring. It was all amicable until Hunter pulled out these clear heels.

Heel-toe rest. Heel-toe... I won’t reach the balcony until next week at this pace. I take a deep breath and look around me. I flirted once, might as well try again.

“Excuse me.” I brush the arm of the man standing within reach.

"What's up, beautiful?"

I freeze. “I…uh…dance.”

I flutter my lashes like Charlee suggested to keep from stuttering.

“I’d love to.” He turns to wrap an arm around me.

"After me." A muscular arm circles my body, and I look and find Ryker's blue eyes.

"Hey, …man. She asked me first."

“I apologize. Maybe…later?” He nods. I smile. “Thank you.”

He steps away, and I glance up at Ryker. We stare at each other for so long I forget we're standing in the middle of the floor.

“I thought that was you.” I can’t hear him over the music, but I read his lips.

“Hard to recognize, huh?”

He shakes his head, "I'd recognize those eyes anywhere." He traces a finger down my cheek until it feathers across my lips. My eyes slide closed, and when my eyes open again, they cling to the desire I see.

I imagine this is how it feels to melt as he steps closer. Heat covers my skin, and fire burns my fear of stuttering or saying the wrong thing. His head lowers, and I lick my lips in anticipation. A smile flickers on his lips before I proceed to turn into a puddle of mush in his arms.

His kiss pushes every thought from my mind. I dreamed of this, and the passionate strokes of his tongue against mine are ten times better. His arm holds me tight, and I rest in the strength of his embrace positive I've found a patch of heaven.


The sound cuts through the noise of the party around us. But Ryker's in no hurry to cut this kiss short, and neither am I.


I move to break the kiss and see who’s calling him.

"Not yet, princess," he whispers across my lips before he slips the tip of my tongue into his warm mouth. I moan, surrendering to the fire in my soul only for Ryker Colin.

“I’m a fairy,” I counter trying to gain control of my wits. The man can kiss like nobody’s business. I’m hot and cold and horny and remember someone called his name, and it wasn’t me.

Ryker runs a finger over my wing and smiles. “Pink compliments your skin, but I almost didn’t recognize you….”