“The woman I’m trying to tell you about.”

“I’m listening.”

Erik tells me about meeting Brooke at a fundraiser he attended on behalf of the firm. His eyes glaze over, and the silly grin tells me he's beyond the point of reason. This is when I shut up and listen. I remove my tie folding it up and placing it in my pocket.

My role is to be a supportive friend knowing he'll have me whether things get better or worse because Erik is always in a relationship. I can't recall most of his girlfriends' names. They come, and they go. That's where he and I differ. It only took one time to the alter and the divorce court to teach me a solid lesson.

No one is worth half of my estate.

I laugh when he tells a joke about their meeting. I nod when he tells me about meeting her parents. I smile when he tells me how much he loves her.


It's nice that one of us isn't so jaded, that one of us is willing to keep trying until he gets it right. That someone is Erik because one time was enough for me.

Krystal Mathieson-Colin ensured this lesson was etched in my head, my heart, and I tatted it on my body. My ex-wife is worth millions, but it didn't stop her from diving headfirst into my bank account. I was blinded by her elegant exterior and the ghosts of my past.

My father said Krystal was the type of woman that came with this life. Names, bank accounts, status. He said an official bond between the Mathieson and Colin families was inevitable. But until the ink dried on our divorce papers, it was hell.

It wasn’t her fault, that was the life she wanted and the life she knew. I blame myself, it was the equivalent of reliving my childhood—surrounded by the people, places, and possessions that made me question my worth.

Listening to my father proved worse than marrying Krystal. She was spoiled thanks to her parents and being an heir to old money. But by the time she was due to inherit her portion, the estate had dwindled, sending Krystal on the hunt for a new sucker—me.

She wanted the perks of being Mrs. Ryker Colin without letting her side boyfriends go. It took years to get her claws out of my bank account and my life. I wish I could say I've successfully moved on. Maybe one day, I will.

“So, now you see why I’m ready to make this shift. Now’s the time. Wouldn’t you agree?" He sits forward in his chair, bringing us closer.

“You look like a politician.”

“Thank you.”

“It’s not a compliment.”

"Think about the clients we'll attract. The statewide recognition. This is a win-win for us, Ryker. If…I win."

“I can’t believe I’m letting you talk me into this.” I rub the back of my neck.

"You don't have to decide tonight. We'll meet here again tomorrow. And if you're not on board, I'll never speak of it again."

"Erik, I honestly think you'd lie to your own mother." I laugh, shaking my head. This man thinks he's so smooth.

“I would if it gets me that seat.”

“You should never admit something like that.” I stand to leave.

"See…you're already coaching me." He stands, dropping an arm over my shoulder. "With you, I'll go straight to the governor's mansion.”

“Stop kissing ass and let me get out of here.”

Erik laughs, and we head out of the meeting room, passing through the backside of the restaurant to the front breezeway. I see Sarah waiting.

“What do you two have planned for tonight?” Erik asks in a low whisper.

“Not what you’re thinking. What time is the meeting tomorrow?”

"Six works. Maybe you should consider hooking up with her to get that monkey off your back."

“Hooking up with Sarah?” I slam to a halt.