“I’ll tell them after we close out the roundtable. Promise,” she whispers. In my bed is the one place I get all of her. But the haven of my home is like our hiding place. And I’m too damn grown to continue hiding from her parents.

“Harper,” I lace our fingers, “do you know how hard it is for me to golf with your father and not say anything?” All these years of turning down women and the one woman I want is making my life miserable.

“I’m sorry, but I’m not ready. You said we could do this at my pace. Now let’s get going, we have the final walkthrough at the conference center. I scheduled the caterer to bring the meals plated. And I have a surprise for you.”

Harper has taken to planning the way fish take to fresh water. She is thriving and trusting her judgment. The plans exceed my wildest expectations, and we’ve maxed out on registrations.

The venue is booked. The presenters are set. The people are eager to spend the week with us in Austin. But this doesn’t feel the way I hoped.

A few hours later I’m working in my office.

“Knock, knock.”

“You’re back.” I stand and hug Glenda. “Is your place all set?” We sit in the chairs.

“I’m all moved in, and I’ll officially call Nashville my home again after the roundtable. Promise me you’ll visit me.” She reaches for my hand.

“I will. You’re not getting rid of me.” I squeeze, missing her already.

“Good.” She smiles. “Catch me up.”

“We’re set. We finalized everything this morning and Harper received confirmation from the mayor’s office.”


“Yeah, she called some people, and he’ll be the keynote speaker on Friday night.”

“How does this feel? You’ve been killing us all to make it happen.”

I smile. “It feels surreal.”


“I think Harper will back out of our engagement.”

“Why?” She turns in her chair.

“I just know.”

“How do you feel about it?”

“Rejection of the worst kind.” My voice trails off. I can talk to Glenda about anything. This is where my walls don’t exist, and I’m preparing myself for the worst.

“Don’t over think this, Liam, and don’t push her. Because if you push, Harper will push back. Give her time.”

“Give her time…give her time…it’s been five months and I haven’t met any of her family. How would you feel about that?” Harper is arousing old fears and insecurities.

“Liam, don’t shut her out.”

I can’t look at Glenda because she’ll see it in my eyes. Not knowing is worse than her initial rejection. Over the months she’s eased into our relationship, but I know we’re no further along now than we were then.

“I need to get ready for a few calls.”

“Okay. Call me if you need me.” Glenda kisses the top of my head, hugging me to her chest. “It will all work out.”

I watch her leave my office. It’s time I admit it to Harper and myself that maybe she’s right, perhaps this won’t work. Better now than waiting only to watch another person leave.

Then I do what I do best…work.