“Hunter Preston…?”
“Of course you’d latch on to her name you slimy leech. I’m out of here. Have a good day, loser.”
She stomps out again this time with Glenda over her shoulder. “Hire her.”
“What? You have really lost your mind, besides she’s not here for a job.” I don’t want to hire her, that woman is my wife. I take a deep breath keeping that thought to myself. Then Glenda steps directly in front of me, blocking my view.
“The woman has a planner in her hands and balls bigger than most men. Hire. Her.”
"Who are you?" I stare at her. She said balls like it's a natural part of our conversations.
“Go. Get. Her Liam.”
I jog down the hall impressed. I would have followed her without Glenda’s help. Harper is like Glenda on steroids. “Harper, wait up.”
“Not in your dreams.” She’s pushing the elevator button with such force that I know she’s pissed.
“I came to apologize.”
“Do you treat everyone with such…disdain? You can’t go around talking to people like that and think it’s normal. I’m sorry for going off but you are such an ass—” She glances over catching herself.
“It’s okay. It’s not the first time I’ve heard it. You don’t make a billion dollars from nothing without being an ass, Miss Price." I slip my hands into my pockets.
She looks over at me, and her eyes are searching for something. I hope she sees whatever she needs to stay. "Have a good day, Mr. Walsh. But we'll get our plane with or without you." She crosses her arms over her chest, facing the elevator doors.
“Marry me.”
"Are you crazy?" Her eyes are huge, and her reaction is gasoline to the fire kindling in my stomach.
“The craziest.”
“So you’re in debt and want my inheritance?”
“I’m worth several billion on a bad day. So, Daddy’s money is safe with me.”
Her neck snaps back. “Are you really that mad?”
I shrug. “Yes.” Mad about you. The chorus in my head is latching on to this fiery goddess and not letting her go.
I ran down the hall because Glenda sent me. Actually, I ran down the hall to catch Harper because I feel electricity flowing through my veins. This has never happened before. Her outright reluctance shows me she doesn’t give a damn about my money, a first for me. And it makes me more curious about this woman. A woman who’s nervous about pitching for a jet, but spits fire when pushed.
My mother was right. Harper Price is my wife. There’s not a single doubt in my mind.
"What is it a Black girl fetish?" Her eyes squint suspiciously with an index finger wagging in my direction.
“No, but I believe I have a Harper fetish.” She gasps, chomping her mouth closed. I smile, crossing my arms over my chest. She is beautiful with curves calling out to be caressed. I could fight with this woman all day.
“No, not on your life. I don’t know you, I don’t like you, and you reek privilege.”
“But you’re attracted to me.”
“I’ve been attracted to much worse.” The elevator dings, she steps inside. “Bye, Mr. Walsh.”
“I’ll see you soon, Miss Price.” I watch the doors slide closed holding her eyes. She’ll be mine.
Chapter 3