Chapter 13

Alexandria clenches the sheet to her chest. The tension etched across her beautiful face threatens to scrub this exhilarating moment from my mind. We broke her one rule. Not deliberately, but we killed it. I made love to her all night, and we can't take it back.

"Merry Christmas, mi amour," I whisper. Her head turns, her black waves spill across my sheets. She holds the sheet tighter, her eyes search mine.

I could have denied her request, but the moment her sweet lips locked around my cock compulsion took over. She didn't beg or plead the way I envisioned. But her soft request erased the fight in me.

"Merry Christmas, Mateo." The words are strained.

I can apologize and say I never intended for this to happen, but it would be a blatant lie. I was made to make love to her. So, instead of lying to her, I'll feed her and show her my love.

“How about we have breakfast tacos?”

She shakes her head, and I see the softest smile. "You can't cook, and Mama shouldn’t be asked to cook. It’s Christmas.”

"I got the keys to the city. I can find some Tex-Mex tacos even on Christmas Day." I wait and feel compelled to add. "We'll be okay, love."

Her eyes fill with tears. “Promesa?”

I cover her body with mine. “What is it?”

"Promise me, Mateo."

We’re back here. What did I expect? That she'd be thrilled to be back in my life. That I'd make love to her, and she'd see the error in her thinking. That she'd see we belong together. No existe gran talento sin gran voluntad.

I gather her face in my hands. My will and my love will overpower her doubts. "I promise. Now tell me you'll stay." I kiss her. Praying, I quiet the fears in her, and she’ll trust that our love can banish anything trying to keep us apart.

“I’ll stay.”

I snuggle back into my ugly sweater and head to the main floor in search of coffee. Mateo has a full kitchen in his penthouse with no food. But I know Gloria won’t fail me. She usually has the first pot of coffee brewing by five.

I head to the elevator and see the envelope from last night. I grab it. It feels soft and flexible, like a letter. I'll read it while I drink my coffee.

I follow the aroma. “I think I love you.”

Gloria laughs. “Merry Christmas.”

“Merry Christmas to you too.” I pull down a mug and pour a cup. I lean against the counter for my first sip. I smile as the liquid coats my insides.

“Thank you.” Gloria lowers her mug to the island.

“For what?”

"Mateo had a smile this big." Her arms open, and we chuckle.

“We’re heading in the right direction.” I exhale taking another drink of my coffee. We're not perfect, but we're certainly better.

“And…I realize my attitude had more to do with your grandfather. I’m so sorry for taking it out on you.”

The coffee rolls down the wrong pipe, and I choke. “My grandfather?”

My ears pop in terror at the mention of my grandfather. I look around out of instinct and back at her.

"I'll never forgive him for the way he ran my son off." She pats my back, and I'm trying to figure out what she's talking about. "To offer to pay him off, like his some…some azarar.” Her mouth sets in a tight grimace.

“…azarar?” She's made it a point to speak in English all week. I speak Spanish, but I'm not familiar with the word.

“Who are you speaking of sister?” Tia Marie walks in the kitchen and sits beside Gloria.