“I designed it as a his and her closet.”

"More like an efficiency apartment," I mumble, opening a few drawers until I recognize the fabrics inside. I grab panties, a bra, and some socks. I'm holding the sheet in one hand and the clothes with my other making my way back to the bedroom. "What time is it?"

“One thirty.”

A wave of dizziness passes over me. His aunt put away my clothes. His mother cooked. And I had my lazy ass in the bed until two o'clock. Fake fiancé or not, I'm making a bad first impression, and I haven't met them yet. I take long drags, trying to force air into my lungs.

"Why…why…why…did you let me?" I fold over, trying to make the room stop swaying. I notice the slits in my jeans. "I can't wear these. They'll think I'm a slut."

I turn to find something else, and Mateo scoops me up into his arms. I wiggle and swing my arms, trying to free myself as he stalks out of the closet and lays me on the bed. The sheet is pulled away, the clothes are tossed aside, and he settles between my legs.

"Stop it, Alex." Determination shines in his eyes. "You had a long day yesterday. They understand."

“I’m fine.” I lie, struggling to hear his words over my heart. I’d rather stay in the closet than meet his family like this. I can only imagine what they’re thinking.

I look away. A life of being the wrong child, the wrong skin color, the wrong father, makes perfectionism my comfort zone. Sluts that lounge around in bed all day miss the mark by a mile.

Mateo adjusts his weight, squirming down my body. "You should always be covered in diamond mi querida.” His kisses run the length of my collarbone as if sampling the flavor of each diamond.

“No…you can’t.” I try to hold him still by squeezing my thighs around his waist.

"Shh…or, my mother will hear you." He laughs.

"I don't see what's so damn funny." I push to sit up, and my hands are stretched above my head, and my breast is in his mouth. The suckling motion and the twirl of his tongue quiet my protests. He unlatches and hovers over me, eye to eye.

"What do you require, mi querida? As long as my ring is on your finger, this is your home. That is your family. I am your man. You're safe and loved here."

His words are killing me. Every run-in with my family, every disappointment, he'd remind me that I was safe, and I was loved. I close my eyes, shaking my head.

This is all pretend. I'm not his fiancé, and even if his words of love are real, my family will never accept him.

“I’m okay,” I swallow hard and meet his gaze.

“You don’t have to lie to me.”

"Just give me fifteen minutes, and I'll be right out." I force my lips to smile, internally pleading for him to believe me.

“I’ll give you ten.”

I sigh in relief as he pushes back into a sitting position. I reach for the sheet and quickly gather my clothes with his eyes watching my every move. I glance back before reaching the bathroom, and the intensity of his gaze causes me to stumble. I rush inside and close the door.

"Damn." I scan the bathroom. Double vanities on either side of me lead to a large bathtub. The shower occupies the far corner behind glass panels. I walk closer, and the showerhead is a large square hanging from the ceiling. Are those light bulbs or cameras? I squint, trying to get a better look.

I open the door and get my answer. Blue lights flick on, and I hop back. The lights turn off. I hop forward, and the lights turn on again. I smile. Must be a motion detector.

I play with digital display and get the water going. I step out to let it the water warm up. I see Mateo’s hygiene products to the left, so I head to the vanity on the right.

I drop the sheet and remove the diamond necklace and the studs. I unfasten the diamond bracelet and slip off my engagement ring. When did I become this woman? Not the one dripping in diamonds but the one so concerned about the opinions of everyone. Even Mateo.

I scrub my scalp with the pads of my fingers searching for any remaining bobby pins, and once I'm satisfied that they're all removed, I climb in the shower. I tilt my head back, letting the water cover me.

The truth is, I lost a piece of myself when I let my family run Mateo out of my life. In my attempts to protect the love we had, I became a shell of myself until Hunter started Platinum Prestige. That was my first real step towards independence from my family.

It’s time to decide what I want now and for my future.

The shower door opens, and Mateo steps inside. The steam swirls around us. I let my eyes caress the lean lines of his body. The definition in his chest, six-pack, and arms.

“What’s that?”