“Just remember I warned you. Now, let’s get back inside and enjoy this expensive food you’ve provided.”

I laugh, following him into the banquet hall. It's two halls combined into a sprawling layout. The DJ booth is on the far left with the dance floor covers the center. The right side has circle tables for eating and socializing. The food and open bar line the back wall.

They have a great turnout. I take a deep breath and try to ignore Jerrick’s response.

The DJ has the vibe right, and I spot Alexandria from the back. I leave Jerrick talking with some family members making my way across the room. The slight sway of her hips to the music quickens my pace until I'm standing behind her.

"Dance with me," I whisper across her ear, smelling the floral scent of her skin.

“I’d love to.”

The moment we boarded the plane, she seemed to relax. I lace our fingers, leading her to the dance floor. I find a clear spot and face her.

My eyes lazily enjoy the sight of her from head to toe. Her petite height brings her head just over my shoulders. I turn her in a full circle then pull her into my arms just as the lights lower to a soft haze. A Jamaican slow wind starts, and she catches the beat with a seductive rock of her hips.

Alexandria loves to dance. She used to dance all night until her feet were sore, and I had to carry her home. I follow her lead, and her side to side rock brings our bodies closer, our eyes lock. Her breast against my chest, my hands wrapped around her. She melts against me, our legs sandwich in a sexual grind. I brush my lips across her shoulder and up her neck, inhaling and exhaling in tandem as a bead of sweat trickles down my spine.

The DJ changes the record. The boom tat, boom tat of the base shifts. We dip and roll as the singer cries about a man’s lack of love. I spin Alexandria around until her ass molds to my body. I can’t disguise my aroused state, her hands grip my thighs like handlebars, throwing her ass back like she’s riding my dick. When her smoky eyes glance up, I’m fucking done.

I hold on enjoying my woman and the music, lost in the moment until thunderous applause pulls us out of a seductive trance.

The DJ spins a new record, and each song takes us further down the path of desire. I smell her arousal, the heat rising from her skin, and by the time we climb in the waiting car, Alexandria is straddling my lap. The red fabric drapes around us like a canopy.

I close the privacy window as her sweet heat brushes against my rock-hard flesh, straining under my tuxedo pants. Her hands pass through the layers of fabric between us. I lower the neckline of her dress. I blink mesmerized by the sight of her bare breasts, and she yanks my zipper down.

Her hot little hands wrap around my throbbing cock, and I groan, placing one of her chocolate nipples in my mouth. Her head falls back, stroking my flesh as I feast on her, squeezing her ass, trying to ignore the mounting tension. But her expert hands are about to send me over the edge. And I'm not going alone.

I push back the layers brushing across her damp curls, and I dip inside. Her tormented moan fills the vehicle.

“I thought you said no sex, mi alma.”

"This isn't sex, Mateo. It's four play." Her fist is pumping from the tip of my head to the base of my dick, and I see stars.

“So, me, palm deep in your sweet pussy isn’t sexing you?”

“Got damn you…” she screams.

I laugh but ain’t shit funny. “I almost forgot you like for me to talk to that pussy.”

The passionate woman I once craved and love is front and center. The night is cold, the ground is covered in snow, and the city passes in a blur. She's beating my shit, and I'm fighting the inevitable, thrusting so deep in her that my hand is covered in her juices. I press my thumb against her jewel and slip in another finger, and it's lights out.

She’s trembling, her nails digging into the side of my neck.

“Papi’s home.”

Her screams rattle my soul, as her demanding kisses piece me back together. I’m afraid the driver will think I’m killing her as her final strokes send me over the edge. Both of us dying a little for a sample of heaven.

I growl spent, snaking my free hand up the side of her neck. I bring her mouth to mine.

“Matty, we ruined a ten-thousand-dollar dress.”

“I’ll buy you another one.”

Chapter 9

I wake in an unfamiliar bed, in an unfamiliar room, naked. My last memory of last night was seeing Mateo pulling the covers over me. The red dress is tossed across a chair, and I smell Mateo's scent on the pillow beside me. I'm in his bed.

My stomach growls at the scent of seasoned beef in the air.