"Don't worry. We'll get it. I still need to get gifts for the gift exchange. I hope you're ready because it's going to be a long week. The house will be full of kids, family, Christmas cheer, and mistletoe." My eyes close, and I let the peace of knowing everyone will be under my roof tomorrow wash over me. I catch myself before sleep takes me under. I glance over at Alexandria. "Thank you."
"You're welcome. But I haven't done anything yet. Tired?" Her eyes caress my face, and I brush my thumb over her kissable lips.
"Yeah. I worked through the night." I request coffee from the stewardess and drop my hands in my lap. I must resist her tempting skin and lips and eyes. I have to show her why we work. Somewhere while planning flights and having the house prepared, I decided I want more than December. Now, to convince Alexandria. And my plan is simple, show her with love. I drop my hand to her knee. "How are you?"
The smile slips from her face. “I’m nervous about meeting your parents, especially your mother. What if she doesn’t like me?”
“Don’t be. You have a lot in common.”
"Like what?" She turns in the chair, gathering her knees to her chest.
"Cooking. Except she doesn't burn her Jonnycakes." Her jaw goes slack, and laughter pours from me. She chuckles and tosses a crumpled napkin at me.
"You should do that more often. I always loved your laugh." A smile lightly brushes her lips, and I want to kiss her again.
“Love is a strong word, mi querida." Yesterday's kiss awakened the vivid images of the years we spent together. The feel of her beneath me, the feeling of being inside her.
“Turn off the charm Mateo, tell me about your mother.”
“Pushy, pushy. Is this more of your boundaries talk?”
She giggles. “Yes, now talk.”
“She loves cooking and quilting. Oh, she loves practicing her English, thanks to me telling her about you.”
“Me?” Her hand rests on her chest as if in shock.
"I never lied to my mother about my love for you. So, practice with her while she's visiting. She speaks well."
“You do, as well. I’m proud of you.”
"Thank you. I had an amazing tutor. Now can I get that kiss?" I close my eyes, puckering my lips.
Her hands feather up the sides of my face until her fingers comb through my hair. The sound of her shifting closer causes heat to stir through my body. I open my eyes, watching her lean over the armrest, resting her full breasts on my chest.
I circle an arm around her waist. Our eyes hold, then her mouth brushes mine with a sweeping motion before her tongue traces the crease between my lips. The smooth slip of her tongue is fucking hot.
I cup her ass in my hand, massaging it until I hear her moan. The expert teasing, licking, and petting sends shock waves through me. How could I forget how she loves four play?
I wiggle my hands beneath her blanket, brushing the peaks of her nipples, listening for her groan of approval. I hear the door to the stewardess bay open and reluctantly release her tempting mouth.
She sits back in her seat. We share an electrifying gaze. I watch the rapid rise and fall of her chest as my coffee is placed on the tray. Then we’re left alone.
"I have a small request for this fake engagement of ours." She sits forward, opening the creamer and sugar packets, pouring it into my cup.
“And that is?”
“No sex.”
A wide smile crawls across Mateo’s face.
“Did you hear me?”
He brushes a hand over the exposed flesh above the collar of my shirt. A shiver of awareness makes my kitten leap anxious to sample more than his kisses. But Mateo will have me screaming the plane down and ready to throw caution to the wind. But I can’t, not with the thought of my family lingering in my mind. I can’t risk it.
"I'm serious, Mateo. Sex will complicate it. Promise me. No sex."