“Take it easy with that Hunter. What number is that for you?”

“Four, five…” I shrug. “Don’t worry, I’m not driving.” I wink with as much boldness as I can muster up as I see my girls heading in our direction. “Here come my guys.”

Ben chuckles, and I freeze. The sound is melodic, and his face warms with color. “Why do you call them guys?”

“It’s our thing. We all have guy names. It’s how we bonded. There’s Harper, who you’ve met, and this is Charlee.”

“Hey, handsome.” Charlee leans forward causing her neckline to dip lower. I roll my eyes, always a flirt.

“Nice to meet you.”

Then Ben turns back to me. Apparently not giving in to Charlee’s flirting either. Okay, either he’s gay or a nun. “Can men be nuns?”

“Not technically, I think they’re called monks.” A flash of humor crosses his face.

I turned to Harper. “Did I say that aloud?”

Her slow nod made me want to melt into a puddle like on The Wiz.

“I think I’ve had too many of these.” I put the glass down, pushing it in Ben’s direction. “How’d speed dating go?”

I had to change the subject or get swallowed whole for the error in my ways. The amusement on Ben’s face makes it worse. “I’m thoroughly embarrassed.”

“Don’t be.”

“Fuck! I did it again.” I slapped my forehead. This time he couldn’t hold in his laughter.

“Speed dating went…huh well.” Harper tries to save me.

“I want whatever she’s drinking.” And of course, Charlee digs a hole big enough for us both to fit inside.

Ben busies himself with making Charlee a drink, I glance at him, and he’s talking to a couple.

“Stop flirting with him, Charlee.” I hiss, keeping my eye on Ben.

“Why? He’s cute.” She sends him a finger wave.

I give Harper my best I’m going to kill her look.

“You two stop it. Come on, let’s do one for the Gram.”

Harper extends her arm, and we pose with her expert direction. Then Charlee scurries off for the bathroom.

“What’s up with you tonight?” Harper asks scanning through the pictures. She holds the phone in my direction. “I’m going to post this one.”

“That’s cute. Tag me.” I slide closer dropping my voice. “The trip is off.”

“Why?” she whines sitting her phone on the bar.

“Daddy is trippin’. He said I’m being irresponsible with money, and he wants to teach me a lesson.” I struggled with how much to tell her. Should I tell her everything? No way, I can’t. I’ve embarrassed myself enough for one night.

“What does that mean?”

“I don’t know. He says I have to write a business plan and submit it to him in thirty days.”

“A business plan. Do you even know what that is?”

“What is that supposed to mean?” My neck snaps back. “Yes, I know what it is.” The right question is, do I know how to write one. Hell naw!