“For sending me a dick pic meant for someone else?” Anger lights in her eyes, and rage fills me. She told me they broke up, but not about why, and I didn’t care until now.

“Yes and for hurting you. Forgive me, Hunter.” The jerk almost looks sincere. Lewis steps forward reaching for her hands. She jerks them away. Lewis’ eyes bulging with venom. “Ah, so this is how you living now?”

“Yes, and loving it. How about you crawl back into the hole you came from?”

The hostile glare in his eyes brings me to my feet. “It’s time for you to leave.”

“You got the white boy fighting your battles now?”

“Lewis, kiss my ass,” she hisses over my shoulder, now standing at my side.

“Been there, done that, and you’ll be back.”

“In your dreams and lose my number,” she says to Lewis’ retreating back.

We are alone again, and I’m processing the scene. She’s deathly quiet, and I can’t help but wonder if this is where she wants to be. Here with me.

“Jo, baby, what are you thinking?”

“That I dodged a fucking atomic bomb.” I glance over my shoulder. This woman amazes me. “What was I thinking?”

“So you got a dick pic?”

“Yeah, he meant it for someone else. It was an invitation to lick his limp lollipop.” She stands and straddles my body, lowering to my lap. “Speaking of lollipops.” Her hot kiss leaves nothing to the imagination.

“No, ma’am. You have a presentation in two days. No loving until you complete this task.”

“Stingy. Just stingy. You get to have him all day. And when I ask, you want to keep him all to yourself.”

I’m howling. She’s talking about my dick like it’s human. “I’ll make it worth your wait, trust and believe.”

“Trust and know…why you think I’m beggin’ for the D?”

I smack her ass, and she settles back in her chair. The unease of Lewis is behind us, and the presentation for her father is before her. I can’t let her get distracted. She’s worked hard for this moment.

“I set up a mock presentation for you.” I glance at my watch. “You have ten minutes.”

“What?” She spins around.

“You can’t let Friday be the first time you run through your presentation. Grab your plan.”

I stand, taking her hand in mine. I walk her back to the VIP lounge where I have the conference room set up. I feel her fidgeting beside me.

“You got this.” I slip my hand around her waist and kiss her the side of her head. “Just speak from your heart.”

“There are so many chairs. Are you staying?”

I shake my head, the nervousness in her eyes is crushing me. She must learn that everything she needs, she has, even me. “No baby, you have to do this on your own.”

Chapter 11


My hands are sweating a river. I rub them against my jeans beneath the table as I watch five people enter the conference room. Two are familiar, three are not. I stand as Ben shows them in.

“Hunter, you know Asher Smith and Dylan Jameson, owners of Smith & Jameson.” I nod shaking their hands. “I’d like to introduce you to Cameron Carter, Bruce Daniels, and Damian Hughes of Rockstar Entertainment.” I smile, the facts and figures in my business plan are swirling in my head. I’m in a room with some very powerful and influential men.

Don’t blow this Hunter. I force myself to settle down. It’s showtime baby.