“I don’t feel good.”
“It will get better sweetie.”
She nods, snuggling into my side, losing the fight to stay awake. I look around the room for evidence of a wife or a girlfriend. The furniture is neutral, shades of blue. This is definitely isn’t a bachelors pad. I turn and see pictures on the far wall, all of Zoe.
Jo stomped out of S&J as my phone rung with a call from the school saying Zoe had a fever. I took her to the doctor, and my baby has a virus. I didn’t have time to process the ordeal with Jo. I went into Daddy mode.
We came home and I gave her a cold bath and enough medicine for her to sleep well through the night. I grab my laptop and decide to peek in on her while I craft an explanation to give to Hunter.
I glance towards Zoe’s bed waiting to hear the sound of her soft snore. But I hear nothing. I walk closer, and her bed is empty.
“Zoe," I call leaving her room.
“She’s in here.”
I walk into the leaving room to find Zoe snuggled against Jo. My eyes dart to Jo’s face, trying to read her expression. The tight set of her face tells me I should have told her about Zoe before now.
“Let me get her back to bed.” I place my laptop on the table then scoop Zoe up into my arms. “Jo, please don’t leave.”
Her nod is tight.
“Pappa, I’m thirsty.” Zoe voice cracks.
“I’ll get it,” Jo offers.
“Thanks. The kitchen is down the hall to the right. Use one of her cups with a straw in the cabinet beside the sink.” Jo stands up. “I’m taking her to bed. It’s the first door up the stairs.”
I turn to gather her bedspread and take my baby bear back to bed. This is the part of parenting that kills me. When I can’t do anything to make her better. I kiss her warm cheek and take the stairs two at a time. I place her in the bed.
Pappa is our replacement for Daddy. It’s a name we settled on because she had an amazing Dad before circumstances took him and her mother away. Now I’m just trying to honor their wishes. So I became Pappa Bear like her favorite book, and my Zoe Bear became my Baby Bear. Jo walks in behind me.
I can’t read her face. But her eyes won’t meet mine. Walking in to see Zoe snuggled up against her shocked me. I never thought of her as the nurturing type.
I wake Zoe to give her a drink. She sips the water and falls back asleep. I tuck her in and show Hunter back to the living room.
“This can wait until tomorrow.”
“I owe you an apology.” I rub the back of my neck.
“You don’t owe me anything. Text me tomorrow, and we’ll reschedule.”
I grab her by the wrist before she turns to walk away, again. “Jo, I’m too exhausted to argue with you.”
“And I shouldn’t be here.”
“But you are here.” She turns around. “Tell me what you want Jo.”
“Honestly, Ben, I’m about to lose my shit.” Her bottom lip quivers and I step closer. “Why didn’t you tell me about Zoe?”
“I don’t bring my personal life to work. I work at work. I handle home at home.” I’m losing her before I had her. I slip my finger through her belt loop. I pull her closer, loving the slight pout on her face. And I can’t believe I have Jo in my home.
“What does Jo stand for?” I slowly remove her jacket.
“Hunter Josephine Preston.” I toss the jacket to the couch and wrap my arms around her waist, placing soft kisses on the base of her neck. “What do I have to do to convince you to stay?”