“Don’t let your feelings mess this up Jo," I tell myself as my phone rings. I glance at the dash, it’s Ben. I slowly shake my head. “Jo, keep it strictly business.”

The voice in my head is protesting. That kiss was…I touch my lips still feeling the effect from his mouth on mine.

Hours later, I’m still driving, winding through the suburbs of Austin trying to clear my head. Ben’s challenge has me rethinking my business idea. I thought the event planning was a perfect fit for me.

What would warrant a million dollars from my father? Daddy built his brand and his empire on a service. His media company includes print, digital, radio, and soon television. All of which I categorize as entertainment.

I don’t want to exist in his world. I want to create a world of my own.

Who would I target? I stop at a light noticing the gas light on. I pull into the closest station. I could target people like my friends. People like me, before Daddy took his credit cards back. So, my audience is an affluent consumer.

“That’s it,” I screech, startling the older man across the pump from me. “Sorry. I just had an amazing idea.” I wink, and he blushes.

I scan my mind, trying to recall a checklist from Google. I think the next requirement is to identify a service. What do affluent men and women need?

I fill up my car renewed by the new plan forming in my mind. I glance at my watch. I’ve been driving for hours, and it’s almost three o’clock. I jump back behind my wheel. My Plan B is fire! But I need some intel to make it happen.

I type out a quick SOS group text to the guys to meet me at my house. They are my target audience. So, tonight, I’ll run a focus group. Their responses chime in before I put my key in the ignition. I smile. Bet.

Now, to text Ben.

My fingers hover over the screen. I have to push past my pride. Maybe the kiss happened because he was curious. I was curious too, so I can’t blame him. I shrug it off.

Chewing on my raw inner jaw, I type before I change my mind. My bad about earlier. I still need your help. Are you still on board? I pop my phone into the holder on the dash and turn the ignition.

We need to talk.

I grab my phone. I’m not too keen on seeing him again today. But I can’t waste time either and getting his feedback before I meet with my squad could help. I stare out the windshield. I have a few hours to kill. Are you at S&J?

No, I’m at the house. Something came up.

There goes that idea.

Can you come by my place?

I stare at my phone. Those hurt feeling simmering beneath the surface ain’t having it. I tap my phone against the steering wheel trying to decide. Then my phone rings. It’s him.


“Is that a yes?” Ben’s voice fills my car.

“Let’s talk now.”

“No, in person. And I’d come to you, but Zoe has a fever.”

“Zoe?” I hesitate. “Wait, did you kiss me and you have a girlfriend?”

“Don’t you think it’s kind of late to ask that question?” He’s talking in a hushed tone.

“I never took you for the cheating type. You know what Ben, I’m good on this whole situation. Let’s keep it professional and forget this afternoon happened.” My palms are sweaty. I can’t freak out. His business is his business. I take a deep breath.

“Are you coming or not?” he asks. Then I can hear him mumbling to someone in the background and the sound of a door closing.

I stare out the window, at the service station. My stomach is in knots, my heart is about to explode, and I want to say yes, knowing I shouldn’t.

“Zoe is not my girlfriend. I’d prefer not to explain it over the phone.” His agitation is evident. But I don’t give a damn. It’s his hot and cold treatment that got us here in the first place. “I’ll text you the address. Bye Jo.”

My phone chimes. I see an address and See you in thirty.