“Yes, I heard you. Will you join Platinum Prestige?”

I shake my head. “Baby, I can’t.”

“Why?” she whines. I know I’m going to love living life with her. She’s hot as fire one minute and cold as ice another. And whining is part of her charm.

“I can’t have your father thinking I’m riding your coat tail. He won’t respect me as a man or as your husband.”

“I appreciate you caring about my father’s feelings, but this is about us. I need you. You helped me create this plan. Now I need you to help me build this business. For us. For Zoe. For our family.”

“Will I always fold like this?”

“Probably, I can be convincing.” She wiggles her eyebrows, dropping to her knees. “And there are perks.”

My head falls back. I’m a fucking goner.

Chapter 12


Friday is here. I’m dressed in a black pants suit, a crisp white blouse and a black vest paired with black Louboutin’s on my feet. Red lipstick on my lips and platinum diamond earrings in my ears. A gift from Ben until we can share our engagement with the world.

We decided to keep it to ourselves until he can talk with my father alone, and he doesn’t want to overshadow this moment.

Ben is to my left, his dirty blonde hair pushed back, and his suit tailored to his delicious body. He’s so fine, I want a quickie to take the edge off.

“Later,” he promises, whispering in my ear.

I can’t believe how my life has changed in thirty days. I’m engaged to an amazing man. I plan to raise Zoe as my own. Now, it’s time to secure the bag.

We’re waiting in the lobby of Daddy’s building for the guys. I hear the clicks of their heels and slowly turn around. All decked out in black, like the baddies they are.

“Shit, Men In Black ain’t got nothing on us,” Charlee says stopping in front of us.

“I’d have to agree,” Harper adds.

For today’s presentation, I wanted my squad, my team, my crew, my guys—Harper, Charlee, Parker, Chase, Taylor, Payton, Alex, Ryann, and Jordan—and my man. Just like my soirees, I’m going for an effect, an experience.

“Guys, we’re up.” I face them. Ben and I met with them individually and offered them a slice of Platinum Prestige in exchange for their talents. All accepted, and now to win over Daddy.

I glance over at Ben. He mouths, Kill it.

“Damn straight.”



One Year Later…

“Jo, what do you have in here, a dead body?” I fold over out of breath.

“Ben, stop complaining and take the box in the house. I told you to rent a dolly, but you wanted to macho man it out. So, grab the boxes and get it poppin’.” She sticks her tongue out playfully. She is bare faced with hair pulled back. I think she gets more beautiful every day.

My non-business wife is now all business. Right now, she’s hunched over the table with Zoe at her side, probably reviewing the latest reports or a baby catalog. Mamma Bear and Zoe Bear are planning the nursery for Baby Bears 1 and 2.

We’re having twins, and every day more boxes flood into our home. I think we’re outgrowing it, but Jo is determined to make it work citing, this is the only home Zoe knows.

“Pappa look.”