Max’s once-a-week housekeeper had been through the house and left it spotless. Holly had given Sabrina some fresh flowers and she placed them in the new vase she’d bought to replace the one she’d broken.
He came in just as she was stirring the Provençale chicken casserole on the cooktop and she put the spoon down and smiled. How could a man look so traffic-stopping gorgeous after a long day at work? ‘How was your day?’
‘Long.’ He came over and planted a kiss on the top of her head. ‘Mmm...something smells nice.’
Sabrina held up the spoon for him to have a taste. ‘It’s one of your favourites. Your mum told me.’
He tasted the casserole and raised his brows in approval. ‘Delicious. But why are you cooking? Shouldn’t you be resting as much as possible?’
‘I like cooking.’
‘I know, but you don’t have to wait on me. I could have picked up a takeaway to save you the bother.’
Sabrina popped the lid back on the pot. ‘I’m not waiting on you. I just wanted to do something for you for a change. You’ve been so good about everything and I—’
‘Hey.’ He placed his hands on her shoulders and turned her so she was facing him. ‘I like doing things for you. I want to make this relationship work.’
She bit down on her lip. ‘I know. For the baby’s sake, right?’
His hands gave her shoulders a gentle squeeze. ‘Not just for the baby. For you. I care about you, Sabrina. Surely you know that?’
She gave an on-off smile. Would caring be enough for her? ‘I know but—’
He placed a finger over her lips. ‘No buts. I care about you and will do everything in my power to make you happy.’ He lowered his hand and brought his mouth to hers instead, kissing her leisurely, beguilingly until she melted into his arms.
Sabrina wound her arms around his neck, pressing herself closer to the tempting hard heat of his body. Her inner core already tingling with sensation, his mouth triggering a tumultuous storm in her flesh. His tongue met hers and she made a sound of approval, her senses dazzled by the taste of him, the familiar and yet exotic taste that she craved like a potent drug. His hands cradled her face as he deepened the kiss, his lips and tongue wreaking sensual havoc, ramping up her desire like fuel tossed on a naked flame. It whooshed and whirled and rocketed through her body, making her aware of every point of contact of his body on hers.
With a groan Max lifted his mouth from hers. ‘How long can dinner wait?’
Sabrina pulled his head back down. ‘Long enough for you to make love to me.’
He kissed her again, deeply and passionately. Then he took her hand and led her upstairs, stopping to kiss her along the way. ‘I’ve been thinking about doing this all day.’
‘Me too,’ Sabrina said, planting a series of kisses on his lips. ‘I’m wild for you.’
He smiled against her mouth. ‘Then what’s my excuse? I’ve been wild for you for months.’
He led her to the master bedroom, peeling away her clothes and his with a deftness of movement that made her breathless with excitement. The touch of his warm strong hands on her naked skin made her gasp and whimper, his hands cupping her breasts, his lips and tongue caressing them, teasing her nipples into tight peaks of pleasure. The same tightly budded pleasure that was growing in her core, the most sensitive part of her hungry, aching for the sexy friction of his body.
Max worked his way down her body, gently pushing her back against the mattress so she was lying on her back and open to him. It was shockingly intimate and yet she didn’t have time to feel shy. Her orgasm was upon her as soon as his tongue flicked against the heart of her and she came apart in a frenzied rush that travelled through her entire body like an earthquake.
He waited until she came down from the stratosphere to move over her, entering her with a deep but gentle thrust, a husky groan forced from his lips as her body wrapped around him. Sabrina held him to her, riding another storm of sensation, delighting in the rocking motion of his body as he increased his pace. Delighting in the strength and potency of him, delighting in the knowledge that she could do this to him—make him breathless and shuddering with ecstasy.
Max collapsed over her, his breathing hard and uneven against the side of her neck. ‘You’ve rendered me speechless.’
Sabrina stroked her hands over his lower back. ‘Same.’
He propped himself up on his elbows, his eyes still dark and glittering with spent passion. ‘I mean it, sweetie. I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed sex as much as I have with you.’
She couldn’t imagine making love with anyone but him. The thought appalled her. Sickened her. She snuggled closer, her arms around his middle, wondering if it were possible to feel closer to him than she did right now.
After a long pause he stroked a strand of hair away from her face, his eyes dark with renewed desire. ‘How do you think dinner is holding up?’
She rubbed her lower body against his pelvis and smiled her best sexy siren smile. ‘It’ll keep.’ And she lifted her mouth to the descent of his.
* * *
Max had a run of projects that urgently needed his attention. He’d been neglecting his work in order to take care of Sabrina, making sure she had everything she needed in the early weeks of her pregnancy. But his work could no longer be postponed. He had big clients who expected the service they paid good money for. He hated leaving Sabrina but he had a business to run and people relying on him.