He kicked at the crooked fringe on the rug on the floor with his foot to straighten it out. ‘There’s a woman I use now and again. She’s good at listening to what I want and getting on with it.’
The big green-eyed monster was back and poking at Sabrina’s self-esteem. ‘Is that all you use her for?’
Max frowned. ‘Pardon?’
Sabrina wished she hadn’t spoken. She turned away and ran her hand over a beautiful walnut side table. ‘Nothing...’
He came up behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders and turned her to face him. ‘Sabrina. Listen to me.’ His voice was gentle but firm. ‘You and I are in a committed relationship. You don’t have to worry that I’ll be looking at any other woman. Ever. Understood?’
She chewed at her lower lip. ‘I’m sorry but I can’t help feeling a little insecure. It’s not like we’re in love or anything. How can you be so certain you won’t fall in love with someone else?’
His hands tightened on her shoulders. ‘Stop torturing yourself with unlikely scenarios. I realise this is a tricky time for you. You have crazy hormonal stuff happening and a lot has happened in a short period of time. But believe me when I say I’ll remain faithful to our marriage vows. You have my word on that, sweetheart.’
Sabrina looked into his grey-blue eyes and wished there was a magic spell she could cast that would make him fall in love with her. It would be so much easier to relax and enjoy every facet of their relationship if she thought it was founded on the things that were most important to her.
He was offering commitment without love. Other men offered love and then reneged on the commitment. Could she continue to hope and pray Max would find the courage to relax the guard around his heart and love her as she longed to be loved? She stretched her mouth into a smile. ‘Thank you.’
He inched up her chin and planted a kiss on her lips. ‘Come on. I’ll show you upstairs.’
Sabrina followed him up the staircase to the landing, where eight bedrooms each with their own bathroom were situated. The master bedroom was huge with a gorgeous window seat that overlooked the rambling garden and the landscape beyond. Sabrina knelt on the chintz-covered cushioned seat and looked at the wonderful view of rolling fields and the dark green fringe of forest and wondered if she had ever seen such a beautiful setting. ‘Gosh, it’s so private. Are there any neighbours?’
‘Not close by,’ Max said. ‘That’s why I bought it. It’s nice to get away from the hustle and bustle every now and again.’
Sabrina rose from the window seat. ‘Do you plan to live here one day? It’s a big house for one person. I mean, you weren’t planning on settling down and all.’
He reached past her to open the window to let in some fresh air. ‘It’s more of a weekender. I find it relaxing to be surrounded by nature instead of noise. It clears my head so I can work on my designs.’
Sabrina bit her lip and fiddled with the brass knob the curtains were held back by. ‘As big as this place is, you might not get much head space when there’s a wailing baby in the house...’
He took her hands in his, his thumbs stroking the backs of her hands. ‘Are you nervous about being a mum?’
‘A little...yeah, actually a lot.’ She sighed. ‘I know women have been having babies for ever but it’s my first baby and I can’t help feeling a little worried I won’t be good enough.’
He cut back an incredulous laugh and squeezed her hands. ‘Not good enough? You’ll be the best mum in the world. You’re a natural nurturer.’
‘But don’t you worry about how this baby is going to change both our lives? I mean, a bit over a month ago we were both single and hating each other. Now we’re having a baby and getting married.’
‘I have never hated you.’ His tone had a strong chord of gravitas.
But what did he feel for her? ‘You certainly gave me that impression. Not that I can talk, of course.’
His expression was cast in rueful lines. ‘Yes, well, with our parents watching us like hawks for any sign of a melting of the ice between us, I guess we both did or said things we regret now.’
Sabrina moved closer as his hands went to her hips. It never ceased to amaze her how neatly they fitted together like two pieces of a puzzle. ‘You’re being far too gracious, Max. I seem to remember being an absolute cow to you on a number of occasions.’
He dropped a kiss to the tip of her nose and smiled. ‘You’re forgiven.’
She smiled back, struck again by how much a smile transformed his features. She lifted her hand to his face and traced the contours of his mouth. ‘You have such a nice smile. I don’t think I ever saw you smile at me before a few weeks ago.’
‘Maybe you’re teaching me to lighten up a bit.’
‘By accidentally falling pregnant? Yeah, like that’s the way to do it.’
He brushed her hair back from her forehead. ‘What’s done is done. We’re moving forward now and it won’t help either of us to focus on the negatives about how we got together.’ He stepped back with a brief flash of a smile. ‘I’m going to bring in our things while you settle in. I’ve brought some supper for us.’
Sabrina sat on the end of the bed once he’d gone, her thoughts in a messy tangle. Was she being too negative about their situation? She was a lot better off than many young women who suddenly found themselves pregnant after a one-night stand. Max was determined to stand by her and support her. He was bending over backwards and turning himself inside out to be the best partner he could be.
She was grateful he was standing by her, but it didn’t stop her hoping his concern for her and the baby would grow and develop into lasting love.