He brought his mouth down on hers in a firm kiss that spoke of his own escalating need. Their tongues met and tangled, heat flaring between their bodies like an out of control fire. Joe deftly unclipped her bra and it fell to the floor at her feet. His mouth lifted off hers as he slid her knickers down her thighs. She stepped out of them, kicking them aside with one foot, and then moving close to his body again.

He cradled one of her breasts in his hand, his thumb stroking her budded nipple, sending shivers shooting to the core of her being. He brought his mouth down to her breast, his tongue circling her nipple, his teeth gently grazing the sensitive nub and his lips caressing the dark circle of her areola. Tingles coursed through her body, hot tingles and fizzes that sent her senses into a frenzy. Need throbbed and ached between her legs in a pounding rhythm in time with her racing blood.

‘You have no idea how long I’ve ached to do this...’ His voice had a ragged quality as one of his hands cupped her mound.

Juliette gasped with delight when he inserted one thick finger into her wet heat. ‘Oh, God, I’ve missed this. I’ve missed you.’ She shuddered from head to foot as his finger caressed her, his expert strokes sending hot streaks of longing down through her pelvis.

He brought his mouth back to hers in a long drugging kiss that made her forget about everything but the sensations coursing through her body. He tasted of salt and a hint of whisky and danger but she was addicted to all of it. Addicted to all of him. The flickering caress of his fingers sent her catapulting into a dizzying flight, spinning her into an abyss where she was conscious of nothing but the exquisite sensations rippling through her.

Juliette gripped his shoulders with her hands. ‘Don’t let me go. I might not be able to stand upright.’

‘I’m not letting you go. I haven’t finished with you yet.’ His rough tone and strong hands made her insides quiver like an unset jelly.

He walked her to the bed, laying her down and coming down beside her, his dark eyes unashamedly feasting on her body. He trailed a lazy finger from the upper curves of each breast, down her sternum to the tiny shallow cave of her belly button. He spread her thighs and brought his mouth down to the secret heart of her body. She sucked in a breath, heady anticipation for his touch sending another hot shiver down her spine. His tongue tasted her, teased her, tantalised her into another earth-shattering orgasm. It went on and on, sending shudders throughout her flesh until she was breathless and gasping.

Joe placed his hand on her abdomen, his gaze doing a slow appraisal of her body. ‘I want you.’

Take me. Take me. Take me.

Juliette panted it under her breath, her heart still hammering in the aftermath of ecstasy. But her body still craved him, it craved his presence deep inside and she reached for him, cupping him in her hand. ‘What are you waiting for?’ she said.

He eased her hand off his erection. ‘I need to get a condom. Don’t go anywhere.’

‘I won’t.’ Juliette lay back and watched him hunt for a condom but it was taking too long. Her need for him was throbbing like a tribal drum between her legs—deep, pulsing, insistent.

He opened his wallet and swore, tossing it back down again.

Juliette propped herself up on her elbows. ‘What? Don’t you have one? What about in the bathroom?’

Joe came back over and leaned down to press a hot hard kiss on her mouth. ‘I’ll be right back.’

* * *

Joe hoped he still had condoms that weren’t past their use-by date. Using protection was an issue, irrespective of whether they were officially back together or not. The thought of exposing Juliette to another pregnancy, another terrible loss was out of the question. But what was this...this interlude for Juliette? What was it for him? Just a quick scratch-the-itch-and-regret-it-in-the-morning?

Either way, it was a risk he was prepared to take. He wanted her. He wanted her with an ache so hot and hard and tight it was making him crazy. Making him think beyond tonight. Making him hope they might salvage something from the train wreck of their relationship.

Joe rummaged in the bathroom cupboard off the spare bedroom and found a couple of condoms in his toiletries bag he used when travelling. They had been there for months without him even noticing. But why would he have noticed them? He hadn’t been interested in sleeping with anyone since Juliette had left. Not just because he considered he was technically still married, but because he couldn’t stomach touching another woman. Being with any woman other than Juliette was repugnant to him. In the past, he’d had his share of casual flings—more than his share. His wealth and status made it easy to pick up casual dates. He had not even thought about it before he’d met Juliette. It was like following a script: drink and/or dinner, dive into bed with an equally enthusiastic and willing partner.

It had worked until it hadn’t worked.

He’d met Juliette, they had a one-night stand and whoomph. He hadn’t been the same since. He hadn’t slept with anyone else since the night he’d met her. Not even when he had no contact with her for three months until she tracked him down to tell him she was carrying his baby. He’d blamed it on his work schedule—he was too busy, travelled too much, was too tired for the chase. All those things might well have been true but he knew deep down it was because sleeping with Juliette had shifted something inside him and he couldn’t shift it back. But he would have to find a way, because there were no guarantees she would stay if he offered her a reconciliation.

He had to remember: she’d come here to get the divorce papers signed. Her willingness to sleep with him was probably nothing more than a parting gift. A farewell... Insert coarse swear word. That was all it could be, right? Why was he thinking it could be anything else?

Joe went back to the bedroom to find Juliette lying on her stomach with her chin propped up on her hands. He drank in the smooth curves of her spine and bottom, his lower body twitching with impatience to glide between her legs and thrust home.

‘Did you find any?’

He held them up in his fingers. ‘Only two, so if you have any ideas of a marathon you’d better hold that thought.’

Something passed over her features and her eyes momentarily slipped out of reach of his. ‘What are your plans for the rest of the weekend?’ Her tone was casual. Too casual.

Joe came and sat beside her on the bed, placed his hand on her hip and turned her so she was lying on her back. He leaned closer, placing his hands either side of her head, caging her in, his gaze feasting on the sweet globes of her breasts. His groin pounding with feverishly hot blood. ‘Shouldn’t I be asking you that question?’

Her eyes flicked to his mouth. ‘I don’t know what this is...’ She touched her hand to his jaw, grazing her fingers along his stubble. ‘I mean...what we’re doing...’

‘Seems pretty obvious to me, cara.’ Joe leaned on one elbow and traced his finger around one of her nipples in a lazy circle. ‘We’re getting it on.’