She gasps. “I did not breach the barrier.” I tilt my head to the side, walking over to the bed and moving the covers to show her that the pillow is on her side of the bed, at the edge.

“Well, would you look at that?” My voice fills with celebration.

“I moved the pillow when I got up.” She throws her hands up, and all I can do is nod at her like, sure you did.

“Are we seriously discussing my dick while Cici is crying?” I ask. “It’s fine, it’ll go away.” I look back at her and my eyes roam from her face down to her tank top, which is loose but is now showing that maybe she isn’t that offended by my hard dick. “Stop staring at my dick, it’s getting your nipples all hard.” I point at said nipples, smirking at her as she looks down at her boob. “Do you want to maybe go take care of that?” I point at the bathroom, trying not to laugh at her.

“I’ll get the baby,” she huffs and escapes the room, almost as if it’s a race.

“I’ll get the bottle,” I call through the empty doorway, before looking down at my cock. “You are really barking up the wrong tree there, big man.”

As I walk toward the stairs. I can hear her talking to Cici.

“Oh my goodness,” she coos, “look at those big tears.”

“Does she have a fever?” I shout from downstairs.

“I think so!” she yells back and I put my hands on my hips and look up to the ceiling.

“We are taking her to the doctor in the morning!” I holler at her as I walk over to the kitchen and take a bottle from the fake plastic grass that helps dry them. Placing it under the machine, I press a button, and like every single time before, I’m amazed by how quick it’s done.

Walking back up the stairs I hear Eva, “You had a full diaper and now you are all clean and dry.” She stands her up on her changing table. “There is my happy girl.” Cici chews on her pacifier and her eyes finally come to me. She smiles so big her pacifier falls out of her mouth. “See, I told you he was coming with a bottle.”

I walk to her with my own smile on my face. “Is my girl hungry?” I ask as I hand Eva the bottle. “Did you give her Tylenol?” I look down at Eva, who nods at me as she walks over to the rocking chair. “I see you took care of your problem.” She looks at me and then down at my dick.

I look down at her tank top, folding my arms over my chest, not even trying to hide the smile. “I can say the same for you.”

Chapter Twenty-One


“What time is it now?” he mumbles from beside me as I crash into bed on my side. My feet are still off the bed, but I’m pretty sure I can fall asleep on the wooden floor.

“I think a little after four,” I reply, not even bothering covering myself up. “How has she been up most of the night and she’s not even tired?”

“I think she’s overtired,” he offers and I look over at him annoyed.

“No one asked you, Levi,” I snarl before turning back to my side of the bed. Ever since I woke up with my ass pushed against him and my legs tangled with his, I’ve been literally stuck to my side of the bed.

I curl into a ball, feeling the bed move from his laughing. “I get it now,” he remarks and I groan out.

“What do you get?” I don’t even know why I’m talking; I should be saving my energy.

“The movie with Al Pacino in it.Insomnia.I didn’t get it before, how he went crazy from lack of sleep. But now,” he mumbles, “now, I get it. I think I’m getting delirious.”

I can’t keep from laughing now, my whole body moving as I laugh. “You are also,” he declares, and we both hear it at the same time.

The fucking wail makes us both groan. “Is it possible?” I look over at him. “Like should we take her to the ER?”

“No.” He gets up. “I may or may not have read online that teething and sleep don’t go hand in hand.”

“Did you or did you not?” I roll out of bed, looking over at him.

“At this point right here.” His eyes are still closed, allowing me to check him out. His chest is bare and very defined. His shorts ride low on one side of his hips, there is just a hint of hair on his stomach that is almost like a flashing arrow leading down to his cock. I’ve been around him for a long time, seen him pick up girls, but I’ve never seen his dick as defined as it was a couple of hours ago. “I have no idea.”

He shakes his head and I turn and walk out of the bedroom toward her room. “Baby girl,” I groan, taking her out of her crib. “There is nothing that I can do for you.”

“Bring her to me!” Levi shouts from our bedroom.