“I gave her Tylenol,” he informs me and then his face smiles, “she took it like a champ. I didn’t give her a bottle after because I was afraid it was going to upset her stomach. But she did have water, because, well, I thought it was a good idea.” The fullness fills in my chest again.
“I would have done the same,” I assure him.
“Have you tasted the Tylenol?” he asks and I shake my head. “It’s sweet.”
“You tasted it?” I ask, shocked. “Why would you taste it?”
“I wanted to know if it tasted bad,” he replies and stops moving when Cici stirs on his chest, but she just turns to her side, cuddling more in his chest than anything.
“I’m so sorry, Levi.” My voice shakes as I talk to him.
“For what?” he asks and I can see his eyes searching mine.
“You didn’t sign up for this.” The words come out before I can stop them and a tear also escapes one eye. I tried to be strong the whole time I was driving home. Tried to tell myself that these things happen. Tried not to beat myself up that I fucked up big-time by not taking the daycare’s call.
“Hey,” he says, “I’m only good with one woman in my life crying at a time.” He tries to make a joke out of it. Knowing he is trying to make me laugh, I give it to him. “The doctor said if she still has a fever by tomorrow, to call him back.”
I know right away he’s pissed. His whole demeanor changes. His eyes go hard, his jaw gets square as he bites down, and the vein in his forehead looks like it’s going to explode. “You need a new fucking doctor.” He looks down at Cici, making sure he didn’t wake her. “What if she has an ear infection?” he asks and I don’t have an answer for him. “Or a sore throat?”
“Or it’s nothing.” It is at this moment when he glares at me that I know I should have not said a word. I hold up my hands sort of like a truce. “I’m just passing along the message.”
“I’m going to call him myself,” he grounds out between clenched teeth while he whispers.
“When she gets up, I’m going to FaceTime Addison and ask her what she would do. She’s the only other person I know who has had a child.”
“I approve,” he agrees and this time I can’t help but laugh out loud, the sound shocking Cici who jumps at the noise. He immediately wraps his arms around her, bringing her even closer to him. “Go away,” he whisper-hisses.
I hold up my hand. “I’m going to go see if I can move my appointments tomorrow.” I get up.
“I can do it.” He looks down at Cici, making sure she is still sleeping. The pacifier now dropping out of her mouth.
“I’m not traveling, so I can stay home with her.”
“Are you sure?” I ask as I hold my hands together, and he nods.
“Worst-case scenario.” He smirks at me. “Things go bad and I call you.” He tilts his head to the side. “That is, if you take off your do not disturb.” Now I’m the one glaring at him at the same time I put up my hand and flip him the bird.
His chest moves as he tries not to laugh, but Cici pops her head up and looks at him. His eyes that were glaring at me not even two minutes ago are now filled with softness. “Well, hello, girl.” His voice is also soft. “Did you have a nice nap?” She uses his chest to rub her nose back and forth. “I’m going to say that is a yes.” He kisses her head and all I can do is watch the two of them. My heart is melting at the sight in front of me, knowing it’s going to be a memory I will forever have.
It takes Cici a second to look over at me. “Hello, baby girl.” My hand comes out and she smiles so much at me that a whole dollop of drool just comes out of her mouth. “That’s a lot of drool.” I’m waiting for her to lean toward me but instead she just stays there in Levi’s arms, not even bothering to move. She just looks at me as he wraps his arm around her.
“You going to call Addison?” he reminds me and I just nod my head at him because, for some fucking reason, there is a lump in my throat.
I pull up Addison’s number and press the FaceTime button. The ringing has Cici stick her head up. “Oh, you wake up for that,” I say to her, smiling as the ringing stops and as the white circle goes round and round when it says connecting. Her face fills the screen a couple of seconds later. “Hi.” She smiles at me and then looks over to the side. “It’s Eva,” she tells whoever is beside her.
“Hey,” Stefano greets as he sticks his head into the phone, “what happened with Cici?”
I look at the phone, wondering how he heard. “I was in a meeting when the daycare called,” Levi informs me and again I look up at the ceiling, trying not to feel guilty but failing miserably.
“She has a fever—” I start to say.
“One hundred and one,” Levi cuts in and I stare at him. “I’m just letting her know.”
I look at the phone, seeing Addison rolling her lips as her eyes stare at the phone super big, just watching me. “What other symptoms does she have?” she finally asks me.
“Fever and drooling, running nose.”
“It sounds like she’s teething,” Addison assesses. “Teething sadly can last a long time and there really isn’t much you can do for them.”