It wasn’t the most comfortable position in the world, but my comfort level and my need level were currently duking it out, and my need was winning out.

My dress started to make its way up farther and farther, until I could feel the cool night air on my bare ass.

“Fuckkkk,” he hissed, finding my surprise that was supposed to have been for this evening.

I smiled and looked backward at him. “You weren’t supposed to find this out until later.”

His eyes were blazing with need as he looked at me.

With our gazes locked, he sank two fingers deep inside of me, taking advantage of my underwearless state.

My mouth formed an O, and the little evil glint he got when he knew what he was doing to me—IE freakin’ killing me—lit his eyes.

“You like that, baby?” he asked, gently pumping his fingers in and out.

With my legs dangling how they were, I could do nothing to help move him along.


I started to move my hands down to push my body backwards toward him, but he caught my hands before I could do anything and pinned them against my back.

Now he had full control of me.

“Now then, where was I?” he rasped, placing a kiss against my backside.

I knew what he was doing then.

The truck was at the perfect height.

And when I felt his tongue replace his fingers, I nearly screamed.

“Fuckin’ love tasting you,” he rasped against my inner thigh. “Bring this leg right here up and put your knee in the floorboard.”

I did, allowing my legs to widen, giving me something to somewhat brace on, and loving every second of it.

“This won’t do, will it?” he asked, squeezing my dangling leg.

I didn’t know what we’d do about it, but I really wished he wouldn’t stop…

He stopped. “Goddammit, Han.”

He chuckled, and I could feel the seatbelt moving against my leg.

Looping my leg through the belt, he slowly tugged out the excess belt until it locked, then fed it back through the feeder until my leg was suspended in the air.

That’s when I realized he’d let go of my hands to do that, and I used the opportunity to bring them back under me.

“No, baby,” he said. “Give me those hands back.”

I didn’t want to.

I wanted to…

He forced them back behind me one at a time, pinning them to my lower back.

Before I could blink, he had something around my wrists.

“Wh-what is that?” I asked.

“Paracord,” he murmured. “I use it to tie stuff down when I get it at the hardware store. I’m glad that I have it with me now, though.”

I wasn’t sure I was so glad.

But then he was back to eating my pussy, and I was thinking there wasn’t much I cared about at that point other than coming.

“H-Han…” I closed my eyes as I felt his tongue parting my folds. His fingers were digging in to either side of my thighs as he spread them open wide for his seeking tongue. And I couldn’t decide whether I liked the way they were digging in, or they hurt. Later, I’d probably have bruises. “P-please.”

He growled against my pussy, and swear to all that was holy, I felt his Adam’s apple vibrate against my clit when he moved just right to bite one ass cheek.

“Sweet baby Jesus,” I groaned.

“You worried about being seen?” he asked curiously.

Was I?

Not really.

I mean, could we be seen? Probably. Did I care? No.

They wouldn’t see much, because there was no way in hell Hannibal would ever let someone see my body.

What I was worried about was being stopped mid-orgasm because he realized that we shouldn’t be doing this in such a public setting with Benji only feet away.

But I wasn’t going to voice my concerns, because then he might stop, and I didn’t ever want him to stop.

“No,” I lied.

He chuckled and moved backwards, tugging my hips with him.

My legs flattened together completely, ass to calves, and then I heard him unzipping his pants.

Seconds later, I felt his cock head at my entrance.

With one brutal thrust, he was filling me to bursting.

I cried out, unable to stop the surprise from leaving my throat at his invasion.

“Okay?” he asked.

As he always did.

God, I loved him so freakin’ much.

“Yes,” I assured him.

I was more than okay.

I was perfect.

This was perfect.

He was perfect.

My life was perfect.

“Good,” he said.

Then he was using me.

He was fucking me so hard that I felt the tines of his zipper digging into my pussy lips each time he slammed inside of me.

My pussy would be sore tomorrow, both from the brutal fucking he was handing out, and the way that his pants dug into me.

But I didn’t care.

What I cared about was coming.

The orgasm that was about to leave me was going to be nothing short of an explosion.

He must’ve known it, too.

Because he started to slow down.