Hades grimaced.

“But also, it’s going to be dark soon,” Zip said. “I don’t think he’ll look too closely at her at first. He is getting married after all.”

I wouldn’t put it past the psycho.

We’d learned a lot about this ‘Benji’ character over the last six months.

I’d been asked a lot about why it’d taken me six months to make a move. Sure, a lot of it was the opening that the wedding provided. Convenience. Opportunity. All of that played a factor in the waiting.

But also, I’d learned in the first week of doing research on the dude that he wasn’t all that he’d seemed.

Benji, also known as Benjamin Brady the Third, was a man that’d been created when he was sixteen.

There were no shot records for Benji. No school records. No DMV records, even.

Which had me curious as to why.

Why did he look like he’d just appeared out of thin air when he was sixteen?

Then Hades had gotten Folsom digging into Benji, and she hadn’t found much more on him.

It was eerie how he’d stayed off of social media, too.

Even the dumbest of people wanted to have some kind of online presence, whether it be to pay bills, register their car, do some online banking, or even to register for school.

But Benji had nothing.

And the only people that had nothing like that were people with something to hide.

The research on the dude had started and I hadn’t liked what I’d found.

I’d spared two of my most trustworthy men, and they’d started giving me detailed hourly updates on what the dude was doing day to day.

At first, nothing too exciting happened.

But then he’d made his first mistake.

He’d visited a store where he hand-picked a present for someone from a newly established bondage and fetish store. He’d walked out with a Cheshire grin on his face and had immediately gone to his car and had jacked off into a box with the present in it.

From what my men told me, he’d spent a long time in there looking at something on his phone while he’d done it, then taped the box up and had taken it to someone in a shady part of town. Money had been exchanged, and the men had split.

One had followed the guy with the box as he’d driven it to a store on the north side of town where he’d then posted the box and had returned home.

The other man I’d had on Benji had followed him to a cake tasting event with his FBI agent fiancée where he’d acted like nothing had happened.

My man that was on Slone had reported the arrival of the box a few days later, hand delivered by a man that had shown up in a local box store delivery truck, dropped it off at the gate, and had gone about his business delivering shit as if he hadn’t just delivered a spunk-covered ‘present.’

Multiple instances had occurred, but it was the delivery of a package by Benji’s hands the day before his wedding that had given the police enough proof to do some arresting.

Over the last six months, we’d also been working on the restraining order that he had against Hades, too.

As of three weeks ago, that had expired.

Though I’d still done some research that had included the ‘why’ of the restraining order.

According to the paperwork the judge had, the reasoning behind it was nothing short of insubstantial and made up.

Apparently, Benji had a stalker of his own, and he’d only assumed it was Hades. That’d been enough for Benji to take it to a judge, who he’d then paid off handsomely.

The judge was retired now, and at this point I assumed that Benji was having trouble finding someone else in his social sphere to get the restraining order pushed through.

Leaving tonight completely legal for Hades to attend.

Even if she were going as Caristonia and not as herself.

“I tend to agree,” I said quietly. “She’s a gorgeous woman in her own right. If Keene doesn’t get anywhere near us while we’re there, there should be no reason that he would even notice who we are. The reception being outside could definitely play in our favor as well. There are over three hundred people on the guest list. Not to mention he’s not going to know half the guests that are there.”

At least, that was my hope.

“You don’t want me near you during the night?” Keene asked.

“No,” I said. “A, we work pretty good together. Adding a new person into the mix might very well mess our mojo up. B, you’re very distinctive. He’s going to know you on sight. And if we’re with you, there’s going to be no doubt that he’ll pay attention.”

“Agreed,” Hades said quietly.

Everyone once again focused all their attention on her.

It was Val who said, “We’ve missed you, Hades.”