“I think I might have perished,” he groaned.

I snickered, then poked him in the side. “It’s light.”

“It is.” He looked over toward the window. “Just.”

I started to get up, but he rolled and pinned me to the bed once again, this time reaching under the tree and pulling out a box.

I stared at it as my eyes started to fill with tears.

“You got me a present?” I whispered, voice cracking.

“Yes,” he said. “Open it.”

So I did.

When I pulled out the brand-new professional camera, I looked up at him in shock.

“Han, this thing cost thousands,” I breathed, touching the box reverently.

He shrugged. “You will use it.”

I would.


“I didn’t get you a present,” I murmured quietly.

His eyes actually lit from within. “You didn’t?”

I shook my head. “I didn’t have time.”

And I hadn’t.

I’d wanted to get him something.

In fact, I’d had every intention. But the last month had been chock full of Hannibal’s business dealings and me following him all over the country. I hadn’t had a single ounce of time to myself.

I wasn’t complaining. In fact, I enjoyed every second of being with him as we went this way and that. But I would’ve liked to get him something small at least.

“That’s the best news you’ve ever given me,” he said. “The fact that you haven’t makes me happy. I want you to focus on you for once. And knowing you didn’t find the time…that’s makes my heart happy.”

I melted.

Utterly melted.

“I’m going to get you a present one day,” I pointed out.

He touched the tip of my nose with one finger. “Yeah. And one day, I’ll know that you got it for me for the right reasons.”

Geez, I loved him.

“Merry Christmas, baby.” He pressed a kiss to my nose.

I closed my eyes so I could hold in my tears.

I wasn’t successful.

But he didn’t mind kissing them away.

And later, when I got even more presents from his family, and they got ones from ‘Hades and Hannibal’ that Hannibal had so kindly gotten them and included me with, I realized that I was healing.



And Hannibal was the reason why.

• • •

Month 3

Our first big fight happened before I’d even realized that I’d messed up.

I stared in shock at the gun that had been pointed at me only moments before.

“If you’d fucking listen to me!” Hannibal growled.

I hadn’t listened to him.

I hadn’t realized that I should.

I mean, yes, he had said to stay in the car.

But I’d had to pee.

And I’d walked in on him fighting a man who’d been about to shoot him.

When I’d walked in the door, the man had gone from pointing the gun at Hannibal to pointing at me.

And he’d pulled the trigger.

One inch higher, and I would’ve had a bullet lodged in my brain.

I’d also probably be dead.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered. “I didn’t realize it would be that bad.”

He’d told me, of course, that this op was one that I couldn’t participate in.

I hadn’t realized the dangerousness or the seriousness of his words, though.

I mean, he’d told me the guy was dangerous, but I hadn’t realized that he’d shoot first and ask questions later.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered.

His eyes were fierce when he said, “Get out.”

I did.

And waited miserably in the car for him to come back.

He didn’t until my bladder was near to bursting. And didn’t talk to me for a full day.

• • •

Month 4

I didn’t go on dangerous ops anymore.

But while he was gone, I amused myself with taking photos all around the area that he’d stationed his home base at.

And then I sent photos to businesses and shared my art with them.

A lot of times they asked for more, but by the time they asked, we were already back at his home in Texas or moved on to the next place.

All in all, I was garnering up a lot of business interest.

But there was one guy that was being quite insistent, and that was what I was doing now. Bringing up my thoughts to Hannibal.

“He offered me ten thousand dollars to document his daughter’s quinceañera,” I said to him.

Hannibal’s brows lifted.

We’d talked about how much he got paid when he went on jobs or took them with his company and then sent out one of his guys.

So I knew that this was a serious offer that would actually garner his attention.

“When?” he asked, already pulling out his phone to check his calendar.

“Tomorrow,” I said. “I’ve been ignoring his queries since they started coming in. This was the first huge offer, though.”

His eyes narrowed. “How often do you ignore these queries?”

I bit my lip. “Um. All the time.”

He blinked.

“All the time,” he repeated.

I nodded.

“Do you want to take more photos for people?” he asked.

I shrugged.

“Hades,” he growled. “Do you want to?”

I opened my mouth, and then closed it. I really didn’t lie to him.

So I sighed and said, “Yes.”