Hitching her leg up with one hand, I guided my cock to her entrance with the other and sank inside.

Her eyes closed, and her mouth opened in a silent scream.

But this time, I made the reason she was holding onto the headboard apparent.

I fucked her senseless.

By the time we were both rolling over the edge, both of us were dripping with sweat and depleted.

When I finished filling her with my seed, I rolled us so that she was lying on top of me, panting and incoherent.

“You okay?” I asked.

Jesus, was my brain okay? I’d never come that hard in my life, and there I was trying to make sense of things we couldn’t make sense of.

She nodded but didn’t speak.

Grinning, I reached to the side of the bed, hit the light switch on the wall with the last of my energy, and plunged us into darkness.

Only when we were both cooled off and no longer sweating did I cover us up with the sheet.

“I need to go clean up,” she said. “This is how you get urinary tract infections.”

I squeezed her ass and started to pull out, but she clamped her thighs around my torso and said, “Stay.”

So I stayed.

And we risked a UTI.

We’d done worse, though.

And were about to prove it.


I don’t know how much longer I can slay.

-Text from Hades to Hannibal


Month 1

I was on a run.

My God, what had he turned me into?

“Are you sure that we can’t just skip this?” I asked pleadingly.

Hannibal flashed me a smile. “This is a 5K my company puts on every single year. It raises money for veterans and wives of veterans. If I don’t go, it’s going to look bad.”

I sighed, long and loud.

“Fine,” I grumbled. “I’ll go. And run. But you can’t leave me.”

He flashed me a look that clearly said, ‘and when have I ever left you?’

He was right.

He never left me. Even when I was telling him to an hour later as he ran the fourth circle around me.

“Hannibal,” I grumbled as I shuffled behind the dude wearing the freakin’ full bunker gear, including oxygen tank, boots, and oxygen mask. “If you circle me one more time, I’m going to sit down in the middle of this road and refuse to move.”

He studied me for a long moment, then slowly started to circle again.

Just when I went to take a step back to plant my ass, he caught me up around the waist, slung me on his back, and started to really run.

We passed the dude in the bunker gear, causing him to laugh.

Then we passed even more people until we were middle of the pack.

If I was ever curious whether or not Hannibal was in shape, I now knew.

He was well and truly in the best shape ever, and I benefitted from it.

Both right now, and when we would be alone later.

The finish line loomed in the distance, and I pressed my nose against Hannibal’s throat, feeling his pulse beating strong beneath my lips.

The crowd started to cheer, and then we were crossing the finish line with a group of people that were all dressed in Christmas gear, even though Christmas was over a month away.

We pulled to a stop near the medal table, and the old man wearing the Veteran hat hung a medal around my neck.

I beamed at him. “Thank you for my freedom.”

He smiled in response. “It was truly my pleasure.”

• • •

Month 2

“Whoa!” I cried out as Hannibal once again threw me on his back. “I was just going to sit on his lap!”

Though, secretly, his high-handed refusal to let me get close to an old fat man made me happy. I liked when he acted all possessive and cave man like. It made me feel wanted and accepted. Something I didn’t know that I desperately needed until he’d given it to me.

“I don’t care if that man is dressed as Santa. He’s a man that can clearly get something out of you sitting there,” he grumbled.

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, my cold nose going into the crease of his neck, as I tried to warm it up.

We were at his home in Texas, and though I’d experienced cold before, this was different.

It was the coldest day of the year, so of course that would be the day that they would host the stupid Christmas parade.

Though it’d been planned for over nine months, it felt like they’d done it purposefully to get people into the Christmas spirit.

He moved us toward the snow that was being artificially made out of water and a mister, and then let my face get directly under the mister before he moved me away with a laugh.

“Jerk,” I grumbled as I closed my eyes and inhaled his scent.

“Your jerk,” he teased.

He was my jerk.

Forever if I had my way.