So I did, not bothering to hide who I was from them, giving them the gory details and all.

When I was finished, and my plate was clean, Hancock stared at me for a long moment in time before saying, “That’s a bunch of horseshit. I feel like you didn’t tell me everything about your dad…but your family should’ve noticed the signs. I’ve had a few boys come through my baseball program with signs, and they’re hard as hell to miss.”

Yes. Yes they were.

Hannibal, though, saved me from explaining more about my abuse by interrupting.

He squeezed my thigh under the table and stood.

“Let’s hurry up and go,” Hannibal suggested. “That way we can get the show thing out of the way so we can drive home tonight. I have a stalker to find.”

• • •

“Come in,” Crew said.

I smiled as I pushed the door open wide, laptop in one hand and camera in the other.

He grinned.

“Hades. Come to change your mind on the job offer?” he asked.

“Unfortunately for you, no,” I said. “I’m here to show you some pictures I took, and to see if you want any of them.”

He patted the chair at his side, a folding one that was holding a stack of papers that he didn’t bother to move.

“Just sit on top of them,” he suggested. “If I move them, I’ll get confused.”

So I did.

And showed him everything I’d taken yesterday.

“Wow,” Crew looked at the photos I’d taken. “These are fuckin’ gorgeous. And I don’t say that to blow smoke up your ass. They’re the best photos I’ve ever seen taken of this show.”

Pleasure at his words made me preen.

I’d never gotten compliments like that from my family when I’d taken photos of them.

Never once did I hear, ‘wow, this design is great, Hades. You did really great.’

Hell, I’d even designed the freakin’ wrap on our shared utility van. I’d worked with the car wrap guy for weeks as we made the wrap everything that it was.

Yet, not a single one of them had been impressed at all. Nor had they said ‘thank you.’

It was as if they saw me doing a job, and a job alone.

But fuck, I’d been doing the media and photography for Singh Circus for years, and I didn’t get paid for it.

And, as if he could practically hear my angry thoughts, Keene texted me.

Keene: Hey, I know that you’re ignoring us and all, but will you check the website? It’s down.

I ignored him and went back to work on the photography for Crew.

“I want them all. How much?” he asked.

“Since Hannibal says that I’m getting paid half of what he made on this job, nothing,” I answered. “But if you ever want me to do the media for your circus, or take more photos, I’ll charge you then.”

His eyes glistened when he said, “Deal.”

It was as I was walking out of his office that I got another text.

Zip: I know you’re ignoring us, but the website is down, and we can’t sell any tickets for our next show if we don’t get it back up and running. I contacted someone, two someones actually, and they can’t get it up and running until next week. Folsom’s down with the flu, and can barely lift her head off the pillow, and Kobe told me to back off while she recovers and not push her. Please, please?

I ignored her, too.

Folsom: Why does it show that you were the one to take the website down? LOL

Folsom was the only one who got me.

She knew the real me.

She’d seen the real me even when my family couldn’t.

So she knew that I’d taken it down for a reason, not to be vindictive.

She was also not as sick as she appeared to be, apparently.

Me: Because I’m tired of doing stuff for them that they don’t appreciate. I have a new job, and it’s making me realize a few things. Mostly that my family doesn’t realize how much I do around there, and I’m trying to show them.

Folsom: So leave it down?

Me: I really don’t care, Folsom. You can put it up or leave it down…but I’m signing off from the Singh family for a little bit. So you might be getting a few more calls soon.

Folsom: I’ll leave it down for a bit. Let ‘em sweat.

I loved Folsom.

“You look awfully long in the face there, baby,” I heard said from somewhere beyond me.

I looked up and over to see a man standing there wearing a shit-eating grin.

I instantly felt my back stiffen.

I also didn’t reply.

“Cat got your tongue?” he asked. “I saw you perform last night. You were spectacular. I know how to juggle, too. Want to see?”

No, I’d rather poke myself in the eye with a fork covered in salt.

I tried to move around him, but he side-stepped, blocking my path.