The kitchen fitters had apologized. They couldn’t explain what exactly had gone wrong, but they didn’t feel comfortable working until they had gotten the damage checked out. It was either something to do with a leaking fridge, or age, or something. He didn’t care. Bad shit happened to homes all the time, and people lived with it.

He wanted the problem fixed, but as he sat up, he also heard Buttercup giving a little bark.

Running a hand down his face, he couldn’t believe how fucking good he felt. He didn’t expect to feel this good. Not after sleeping in a brand-new bed, in a new house.

He glanced over at the clock and sure enough, it was past eight. Dylan had always been a morning person; he woke up at five, six o’clock at the latest. Never eight. Pushing the blankets off, he padded across the floor, going to the door, then down to the bathroom. He used the toilet, splashed some water on his face, brushed his teeth, and then returned to his bedroom to grab a shirt. There was no reason to change, and he made his way downstairs to the kitchen.

Robin was already dressed. She wore a cute white summer dress that molded to her body, and flared out at the hips. He hadn’t seen her from the front, but just admiring her curves from behind was enough to make him hard.

He was pleased the counter covered his dick as she spun around. The dress shaped against her body, highlighting her full tits, as they seemed to push together. It was warm out, and he was getting a little hot under the collar as well.

“You’re awake,” Robin said. “I didn’t know if you needed a wake-up call. I figured if I cooked you breakfast that would be a good start. I’ve already taken Buttercup for a walk, and she had some food.”

Buttercup had come over to him and was pawing at his leg. He bent down, picking her up, and pressing kisses to her head, hoping to get his arousal under control. He wasn’t a teenage boy. He didn’t lose control at the sight of a beautiful woman. This was insane.

“Do you normally like to sleep in?” Robin asked.

“I know you’re not going to believe this, but I’m normally an early riser. This is all new to me. I don’t usually sleep in.”

Robin smiled. “That’s fine. I’ve always been a morning person too. I love watching the sunrise, and I find it peaceful to be up. Like I’m the only one awake, enjoying my cup of coffee. Best feeling in the world.”

For a few seconds, Dylan couldn’t say or do anything, because he was in shock. He’d always been a morning person. That peace and quiet in the morning had always rung true to him. He loved it. Now, as he looked over at Robin, he found a new appreciation for her. Someone else agreed with him that the morning was one of the best times of the day.

Robin turned away from him and he watched her ass as she moved toward the far counter.

The scent of coffee and bacon was making his mouth water, but he couldn’t stop himself from thinking about spreading Robin across the counter and tasting every single inch of her, which made no sense to him.

He’d sworn off women.

He hated women.

Robin wasn’t just some woman either. She was his neighbor and there was no way he would cross that boundary. He happened to like where he lived.

At first, the only reason he had chosen it was out of desperation to get away from the city, and for him to find someplace no one would think to look. He was a wealthy man and could have purchased an island if he wanted to, but instead he opted for a quiet street in a small town, and he loved it.

The past year had been so peaceful to him. It helped that he enjoyed looking at his neighbor.

“Here, enjoy,” Robin said, placing a mug in front of him.

He picked up the coffee, took a big sniff, and the scent alone was enough to make his mouth water. It smelled so damn good. Blowing across the steaming surface, he waited a few minutes and then decided to take a nice, big sip, and oh, yeah, it was worth it.

“That’s good.”

Robin smiled, turning back to the stove, to continue with her frying. “You’ve always got to have the right cup of coffee in the morning.”

Dylan wasn’t really paying attention to what she said as he watched the curves of her back as she got to work finishing up breakfast.

He couldn’t remember sharing breakfast with a woman in a very long time. His ex-wife always refused to eat with him. In the beginning, it was because she was faking morning sickness. Then she would complain of being on some diet.