Behind the being, through the mirror, an old woman with stark-white hair took center stage. She stood in the spotlight and spun in a slow circle.

Eloise, the proprietor of the brothel next door, lifted a microphone to her mouth as the spotlight spilled over her. “Welcome to The Pleasure Chest’s annual sex auction, you horny bastards!”

Shila listened to Eloise’s speech, registering the new rules, even as she removed the sensor clip from her hair and shook her curls loose for a second time. The being standing in her view shifted, the nub beckoning her to ride it.

She crooked two fingers at the being, motioning them closer. “Your name is Ray-ten?”


“Ray-ten.” The name rolled off Shila’s tongue again as she savored it. She reached out and touched the nub with her thumb. It was firm, resisting the stroke of her finger.

What the hell? Why not release some tension before her next raid?

She pinched the nub hard, and Ray-ten jerked with a gasp.

“Remove my clothes,” Shila said, her voice as sharp as one of her throwing knives. “Do so quickly so I can fuck you and get on with my life. And if you so much as think of using my weapons against me, your blood will spill over this carpet. Understood?”

“Yes, milady,” Ray-ten said. They were breathing heavily, their mouth wet, their eyes round and bulbus.

It took a few seconds for Ray-ten to pull Shila to her feet and begin removing all her layers. Then came the knives, the guns, and the interior layers of leather that formed a pile at the end of the couch.

At six one, Shila towered over the being with her high and firm breasts, wide hips, and a toned, muscled body stronger than most warriors. Ray-ten seemed to appreciate her form as they used their tail to stroke over her bare skin. The touch was strange but left a streak of sensation in its wake, which only proceeded to make Shila wetter.

Over Ray-ten’s head, she watched as the first auction participant stepped onto the stage. A minotaur. Their horns were wide and as broad as their shoulders. Their abdomen was a ripple of muscle, coded with a thick mat of body hair.

“We shall start the bidding at ten thousand rupa,” Eloise called out. The intergalactic currency meant the minotaur was open to going off planet and away from their realm.

Red lights turned on over a few one-way mirrors circling the stage. Shila gasped as Ray-ten got to their knees, pushed Shila’s legs apart and after separating her folds with gentle fingertips, began licking her pussy with precise, practiced strokes.

That was when she discovered the other being’s tongue was as long and flexible as their tail.

She hooked a leg over Ray-ten’s shoulder, balancing on her bare feet. Her boots lay discarded next to them.

“Yes, what a good lover you are,” Shila whispered, stroking the bald head that was between her thighs. She groaned in pleasure as their tongue reached deep inside her and Ray-ten’s tail came around to stroke Shila’s anus.

Her legs trembled as she rode Ray-ten’s mouth, feeling the soft pressure against her asshole as the tail stroked her to the same rhythm as the long, sinuous tongue. Gods, she loved when her pussy got the attention it deserved. The feel of sharp pleasure, the rising ache deep in her core, and the way she grew wetter with each attentive stroke.

Shila dropped one foot to the floor, then clasped her hands on both sides of Ray-ten’s head and brought them up to their feet so they stood face to face. She leaned down to kiss Ray-ten for the first time, to feel that talented tongue in her mouth. Their breasts brushed, and hard nipples teased each other as they pressed close. Hands raced down bare muscled backs, over smooth, curved butt cheeks. Ray-ten’s tail continued to tease Shila’s pussy from behind, and she gasped into the being’s mouth.

“Get on the couch,” she growled. She’d waited long enough. Ray-ten went to comply, rubbing her nakedness against Shila one last time before she sat on the cool leather, and lay down. In invitation, she pressed one heeled foot to the floor while the other hooked over the back of the couch.

“Sold to alcove twenty-two for fifty thousand rupa!” Eloise called out. “Participants will be led to the holding room where they will wait until payments are received. Then Golda, the owner of this fine establishment, will handle payments. Let’s bring out participant number two!”

The sounds of bidding faded as Shila lowered herself onto Ray-ten’s prone form, positioning her pleasure center over the protruding nub that was already gyrating in a circular motion. When that muscle parted her slit and began moving over her clitoris, Shila let out a groan just as Ray-ten gasped in pleasure.

“Do you like this, Ray-ten?” Shila said, rolling her hips in time to the moving nub. She nipped at that sharp, pointed chin, then to sooth the pain, she licked the spot with her tongue.