“You drive me out of my damned mind,” she murmurs against my skin. I don’t have an answer for that, but apparently I don’t need to give one. Maura urges me up and releases my hair to cup my breasts. She makes a sound that’s nearly tormented, and then her mouth is on me.

I grip the edge of the tub behind her to stay in place as she kisses and licks and nips her way over the curve of one breast and back up the other. The demon woman avoids my nipples altogether, lavishing me with pleasure that has me writhing. She presses my breasts together and, with a wicked glance at me, flicks my nipples with her tongue. It’s a light touch, a teasing one.

It’s nowhere near enough.

“More,” I gasp. “Harder.”

Her chuckle is dark with promise. She pinches one nipple even as she sucks the other into her mouth, setting her teeth carefully against me. It’s perfect. Too perfect. I whimper, my hips swiveling as I seek the friction I need.

She knows. Of course she knows.

Maura shifts and presses her thigh up between my legs, directly against my pussy. “Take what you need.” And then her mouth is back on my nipple, her fingers working the other in rhythmic pinching motions that send sizzling need through me.

I grind down on her thigh, doing exactly as she commanded. Taking what I need. Even as my pleasure winds around me, tighter and tighter, my orgasm remains out of reach. I sob out my frustration. “I can’t get there.”

Maura doesn’t hesitate. She pulls some fancy move that ends with me between her thighs once more. Her breasts press to my back, and I try to turn to face her. If I can’t finish, at least I can make her come.

“No.” She tightens her grip on my waist. “Relax. You’re rushing things.”

“There’s no time.” It’s true in every sense of the word. This bath won’t last forever. Our time together won’t, either. It’s all going to end, and I don’t know what I’ll do then. For all my bravado about starting a new life, I always planned on it being with Maura.

Not leaving her behind permanently.

“There’s time.” She shifts my hair to the side and kisses the side of my neck. “We have all the time in the world, Juliette.”


“Close your eyes.”

Once again, I obey without thought. I am so bloody tired of fighting. It feels like I’ve been doing it my entire life, even if it might not seem that way from the outside. I thought Maura understood that…and maybe she does.

She cups my breasts and then runs her hands over my stomach. “You are so beautiful,” she whispers, her voice low. “You make me wild with need. You did even before I knew what to do with you.” She palms my pussy. It’s such a possessive move that I jolt even as liquid desire melts my bones and leaves me restless.

“I thought we weren’t talking,” I finally manage.

“Is this talking?” She gently works her fingers through my folds. She’s being a little tease, winding me tighter but seeming to deliberately hold back that last push I require. Maura circles my entrance with one finger. “I prefer to say it’s spilling truths.”

“Maura, please.”

“What do you need?” I can hear her smile. “This?” She presses her finger into me, but only to the first knuckle.


“Greedy.” She says it like it’s a compliment. Like she delights in it. She works her finger a little deeper into me. “This isn’t enough for you, is it? You need more, Jules.”

Later, I worry about the fact she’s calling me Jules. Maura is many things, but she’s not usually cruel. Not to me. Not even when we’re on opposite sides of an argument. Calling me Jules, a nickname that’s only ever belonged to her, cannot be termed anything but cruel when she means to let me go.

It doesn’t matter. This feels too good to stop.


She chuckles. “Apparently I’m not pleasing you. Tell me what you want. Explicitly. I know you can use your words. Do it now.”

Use my words? I can barely think with her wrapped around me like this, her finger pulsing inside me. But it’s not enough, and it won’t be enough until I do as she commands. I lick my lips and drag in a rough breath. “Two fingers.”

Immediately, Maura works a second finger into me. I almost exhale in relief, but she doesn’t move after that. To my horror and delight, I realize she intends for me to dictate exactly what I want from her.

Maddening woman.

“Fuck me with your fingers. Slowly.” I hold my breath as she obeys, sliding her fingers in and out of me with agonizing thoroughness. “Don’t stop.”

I can’t help melting back against her. My eyes drift shut as I’m buoyed by the water, and Maura, and the pleasure she deals out. It’s not enough to make me orgasm, but for once I’m not in a hurry. I’m not sure who’s actually in charge of this moment. Me with my commands, or Maura for insisting on the commands in the first place.