“And the others?”

“Start sailing and hope for the best.” River pats xyr hair, making xyr curls bounce. “Or I guess you could play it safe and buy a spell from the old witch in the square.”

Maura lifts her brows. “You have to buy a spell every time you leave?”

“Regulars are granted permanent spells by the monarch.” Brynn lifts her head. “Ah, we’re here.”



This situation only gets more fucked the longer we’re here. I need to be focusing on getting my ship and my crew out of this realm and back to ours, but I’m achingly aware of the wide-eyed way Juliette stares at everything. The first time I turn around, she’s going to be in those woods and falling into a portal.

I should be saying good riddance. I came for her when she called for help, but I didn’t agree to jump realms and put everyone under my care in danger. Maybe I should have left her to the fate of her foolishness…


We may not have a future, and I may be a coldhearted bitch of a pirate, but even I don’t have it in me to stand back and let her be harmed. Which means I need to figure out how to get her back on my ship and home.

But first we have to meet this mystery monarch and not get ourselves murdered in the process. I’ve dealt with plenty of people who fashion themselves leaders of port towns, so I know enough to keep my mouth shut until I get a proper read on the situation.

Juliette…does not.

I catch her elbow as we climb the hill to the impressive stone structure that would do any lordling proud. “Let me do the talking.”

“Oh, do you have a lot of experience with convincing royalty not to call for your head?” She smiles so sweetly, I almost miss the fact it doesn’t reach her eyes. Juliette is furious with me. I don’t know why the realization startles me, but it does.

“I am trying to keep you alive,” I snarl.

“I’ve been doing just fine on my own for twenty-six years. I didn’t ask for you to babysit me.”

“Living a pampered life as a princess is not the same thing, and you know it.” I force myself to keep my grip on her light even as I want to drag her down the hill and toss her back on the boat. “And you did ask for me to babysit you when you called for help.”

“You’ve helped me. It’s done. You’re free to go.”

“Ladies.” Brynn puts a stop to our bickering with a single word. She motions at the dark door in front of us. “Follow the hallway. It will lead you to the monarch.”

I pause. “You’re not going to escort us?”

“Follow the golden path.” River laughs that uncanny laugh. “If you stray, no one can be held accountable for where you end up.”

I make a face. “More portals?”

“This is Atlantis.” Xe turns and flicks xyr hair off xyr shoulders. “See you around. If you live.”

Brynn drags a hand over her face. “Look, xe is right about one thing. Stay on the golden path. It will lead you in and lead you out. You’re safe enough if you follow instructions.”

Safe enough isn’t exactly safe, but it’s too late to change our minds. Juliette has already moved to wrestle the large door open. If I stand around arguing, she’s liable to do exactly the opposite of what’s instructed. She’s always been as curious as a cat, and nowhere near as lucky. “Slow down, Juliette.”

She ignores me, because of course she does. I mutter under my breath, Brynn’s chuckle following me through the door and into the dark hallway lit by sconces. On the stone floor beneath our feet, there’s a single line of gold leading deeper into the shadows.

Juliette whistles softly. “This monarch has a flair for the dramatic. I like it.”

I follow one step behind her, eyeing the dark doorways as we pass them. Sounds come from several—laughter and moaning and whispers that practically invite one to lean in and listen. “It’s a trap.”

“Of course it’s a trap.” I can’t see Juliette roll her eyes, but the sensation is there in her tone. “Everything about this place is a trap. It wouldn’t have survived this long if that weren’t true.”

She’s not wrong. I’m not entirely how it exists in the first place, not when the Cwn Annwn are so notorious for hunting down anyone who wanders in between realms. As best I can understand, Atlantis exists outside of realms, which means it should be under their domain. At least in theory. That obviously isn’t the case, but I don’t know enough about either faction to know why.

I suppose the details don’t matter. It all adds up to danger. We’re in over our heads.

I take two quick steps to catch up with Juliette. “We’ll talk to the monarch, and then we’ll head back to the square and get the exit spell in place.”