The rest of the reception is smooth sailing. Chance and Samantha dance the night away, seemingly oblivious to any earlier drama, a delicious dinner is served, toasts are made, and Dad gives a speech about how he always knew Chance was special, earning an eye roll from me that I at least attempt to hide, and how he’s glad he’s found a woman equally as special. Considering their first meeting, that’s major progress, especially for Dad.

As great as it is, I nearly fling my half-burned sparkler in the metal trash can after the send-off because I’m way past ready to go home. I take Janey’s hand and nearly haul her to the parking lot.

“I’ll follow you?” she asks, looking up at me through half-open lashes while we’re standing at the door to her yellow car.

She means back to my place or her place. But I want her to have the chance to lead with everything. She’s more than capable and deserves the right to be in control . . . for now.

“Where? To do what?” I ask, letting all the hunger I feel for her weave through the words as I twirl one of her red curls around my finger. “Your choice.”

“Is your bed as uncomfortable as your couch?” she asks with a shy smile. Her fingers are tiptoeing up my abdomen to my chest, where she drags a fingertip over the skin of my neck just above my collar. I’ve never thought myself particularly sensitive there, but right now, it might be enough to make me come. Flirty Janey, when she feels that she’s got me in the palm of her hand, is a beautiful sight.

“I have no idea. It’s a bed. It’s a couch.” I never thought about it honestly, and I don’t have the blood flow to think about it now.

“Let’s find out,” she purrs.

I nearly shove her into her car, making sure she doesn’t flash any of the other wedding guests who are also all over the parking lot. I can’t risk a kiss, so I close her door, tap the top of her car, and growl, “Follow me, and keep up.”

She laughs, not offended at my caveman orders. In fact, when I back my truck out, she’s parked right behind me, already having trailed after me in her car. She’s as ready as I am. We’ve waited long enough.

I beat my own personal record on how fast I can drive between Chance’s club and my place, and that’s saying something because the former record was set when Samantha was missing and we were rallying around Chance, fearing the worst.

But we make it, parking in the private garage, and in moments we’re in the elevator. Janey’s wiggling around like an excited kid about to get ice cream, and I’m at my limit, wanting her to wiggle like that on me.

I step in front of her and pick her up by her hips. She wraps her legs around me easily, her dress falling open from the waist down. The moment I feel the heat of her pussy over my hard cock, I groan and use my grip on her to pull her against me harder. “Fuck.”

She shudders, and though our mouths meet, our breaths mingling, neither of us can concentrate enough to kiss. All our attention is focused on the area where we’re almost connected in the way we want. So close, but too far.

Luckily, it’s only two stories from the garage to my place, and thirty-seven steps from my front door to my bedside. Not that I’m counting now, but I already know, having counted it out in case I ever needed to make an exit in the dark.

I toss Janey back to the fluffy surface, and she bounces. “Whoo! Definitely softer,” she squeals, answering her own earlier question.

Her eager hands go to the tie at her waist, and I stop her, undoing it myself. I yank the dress open with a snap and see that she’s in a matching black bra and panty set. But this one’s different from before. It’s delicate and sheer, letting her nipples and pretty pussy peek through. She wore this for me, knowing that we promised tonight was the night. And though it’s been hell to wait, I’m glad we did. For this moment right here, when I know this means as much to her as it does to me.

“So beautiful,” I praise, running my hands up her legs, over her hips, and across her belly. I cup her breasts, lifting them into my palms and then teasing at the already hard nipples before falling over her, resting on one elbow so I can take the hard nub into my mouth through the fabric. I feel Janey’s hands weave into my hair, clutching me to her as she arches her back.