His eyes turn dark with the rage I’m very acquainted with, and he hisses, “Now that you’re living the perfect life, you’ve forgotten about me? After everything I did to make Angelo marry you, this is the thanks I get? Not even a visit to the hospital?”

I quickly shake my head. “I didn’t know you were in the hospital.”

“Sure you didn’t. Don’t act all fucking innocent, Tori. What shit did you tell Angelo about me?”

I shake my head again.

Giorgio takes a step closer to me and growls, “I lost my fucking arm because you complained to Angelo that I beat you.”

My eyes widen with shock, and I keep shaking my head.

“Back away from her,” Tiny grumbles as he takes hold of my arm, pulling me to his side.

Instantly, Giorgio’s face transforms from angry to passive. “Hey, Tiny. I’m just catching up with my little sister.”

Tiny pushes me toward the table. “Go help Rosa.”

Not arguing, I hurry back to my duties. I have to force a smile around my lips while I serve the parishioners.

Holy crap. Angelo cut off Giorgio’s arm.

Because of me.

I don’t know how I feel about that.

Giorgio sure as hell had it coming after all the abuse and pain he inflicted on me.

A week ago, I would’ve been consumed with guilt, but now…

Angelo took revenge for what was done to me. He didn’t come home bragging about it but just dealt with the problem.

Warmth floods my chest, and tears well in my eyes.

It’s been so long since I had a safe place to call home, and it’s overwhelming when I realize I’m safe with Angelo.

And Tiny.

Angelo will hurt anyone who lays a finger on me.

The moment I’m done serving coffee and tea, I ask Rosa, “Is it okay if you finish cleaning up this week? I’ll clean up next Sunday.”

“Uhm…yeah, sure.”

“Thank you!” Grabbing my handbag, I rush to Tiny, and as we leave the cathedral, I say, “Thank you for looking out for me.”

“It’s my job.” His eyes flick down to me. “Are you okay?”

I give my guard, that’s quickly becoming my friend, a smile. “Yeah. I was just shocked to see he lost his arm.”

After climbing into the car, my stomach begins to buzz with anticipation, and by the time the vehicle pulls up the driveway, my knee is bouncing like crazy.

The instant Tiny parks in front of the entrance, I say, “Thanks! See you tomorrow.”

I dart out of the car and hurry toward the front door, and stepping inside, I call out, “Angelo.”

I don’t find him in the living room or kitchen and call again, “Angelo.”

I check the bedroom and still not finding him, I start to worry because he said he’s not going out today.

I rush to the back to check on the veranda, and when I see him lift himself out of the pool, a smile breaks over my face.

He picks up a towel and wipes the fabric over his head, drops of water streaming down his muscled body.


His head snaps up, and concern instantly tightens his features when I break into a run to get to him.

Chapter 26


“What happened?” I demand as Vittoria runs toward me.

She shakes her head, and plows into my chest. As she tilts her face up to me, there’s so much emotion in her eyes it looks like she’s a second away from crying.

“What the fuck happened?” I growl, ready to rip whoever upset her apart with my bare hands.

She shakes her head again as she reaches up, and framing my jaw, she pushes herself on her tiptoes. I automatically lean down, and when she stops a breath away from me, I realize what’s happening.

I wrap an arm around her waist and lock her body to mine. Bringing my other hand to her cheek, I brush her curls out of the way.

My eyes search hers to make sure I’m not misreading the moment, then she whispers, “I’m ready.”

I stare at my beautiful angel, and the last resistance around my heart is obliterated. The most intense emotion detonates in my soul and my entire world shifts on its axis.

Brutal possessiveness. Unreasonable jealousy. Violent protectiveness.

They all shudder through my body as this woman claims every inch of my dark soul.

I brush the unruly curls out of her face again, my gaze staring deep into hers. In this magical moment, I connect with her in a way I’ve never connected with another person.

With unconditional love spreading through every fiber of my being, I close the distance between us.

My lips brush over hers before I pull slightly back again. Our eyes lock, and I make a silent vow to her.

I’ll protect you with all my strength. I’ll love you until the day I die. From this moment, I live for you, my precious wife.

My mouth takes hers with an uncontrollable hunger that forces her a step backward. I hold her so tight her feet lift from the floor.