As our bodies sag in the aftermath, our breathing yet to catch up. I kiss just behind her ear, and then carry her to the bed. Setting her down, she falls back as if she’s too weak to move. “Want to stay?”

“I can for a little while.”

Thumbing toward the bathroom, I add, “I’ll be right back unless you want to go first.”

“No. You go.” A giggle bubbles. “I don’t think I could stand up if I wanted to.”

“Guess you’re stuck with me.”

She turns her head as if something more meaningful was said. A graceful smile full of sincerity breaks her free. “There are worse places to be.”

“Yeah.” It’s tempting to linger, but I don’t. I go to the bathroom.

When I walk back out, she startles, whipping around at the dresser. Her hands grip the wood and guilt covers her face. “You robbing me?” I tease, keeping a straight face while I climb under the covers. I can’t stop from grinning, though. Anchoring my hands under my head, I watch as her shoulders ease, and she laughs.

“I don’t need the money.”

“What do you need, Liv?”

That beautiful smile returns. “Nothing more than you’ve already given me.”

My eyes are drawn to the dresser behind her when she sets a pen down on the surface. “It’s been a good night.” Before she crosses the room, she adds, “It has.”

“Are you leaving me your number?” I wish I were still joking but hope infiltrates my voice.

Light on her feet and giving me a flash of her ass as she spins into the en suite bathroom, laughter trickles through the air. Holding the side of the door, she replies, “Thank you, Noah.”

I never know what to say when women thank me for fucking them. It’s not like I didn’t get something from it. I shoot her a wink. “Trust me, the pleasure was mine.”

“If I’ve learned one thing in life, it’s that I don’t trust anyone who tells me to trust them.”

“Wise woman.” I chuckle. “Because I’m a fucking cad.”

She bursts out laughing. “So what you’re saying is I shouldn’t trust you at all?”

“Probably best.”

As the lightness of the conversation fades, so does her smile. Our eyes remain locked on each other as she worries her bottom lip.

I prefer the fun over the heaviness drifting between us, but I don’t fill the silence lingering in the air. Instead, I give her my best smile. “Don’t be long, okay?”

Liv nods before looking down and pulls the door to close it, but she stops and glances back at me. Questions populate the distance, but words aren’t exchanged. I’m not sure what I’d say anyway. The reality is we agreed when morning comes, she’ll go her way and I’ll go mine. But what if the rules are worth breaking this time?

“Noah, get up!”

I bolt upright in bed, my heart pounding in my chest. My eyes are blurry and burning from the lack of sleep, so I clamp them closed again. Peeking open one and then the other, I realize the daylight floods the room, though the French doors to the balcony make it worse.

“Noah.” The voice rings in my ears, and before I have a chance to make out the woman scurrying around the bedroom, I already know who it is. And it’s not Liv.


Blinking rapidly, I move to cover her, but I fall flat on my face. My vision clears, but I don’t need to see to know she’s already long gone. Fuck.

Here I am, the idiot who thought we had a good time.

Things were looking good before I fell asleep waiting for her to come out of the bathroom. Guess I’m the fool now.

As the realization sets in that I have nothing other than her first name, I grow irritated. “What are you doing here, Marina?”

My sister drags her arm across the top of the chest, dumping the stuff littering the surface into my duffel bag.

“Mom and Dad aren’t even thirty minutes behind me. Get up. They’ll kill you if they find out you’re using the Hamptons house as your sex lair.”

Dropping to my back, I roll my eyes before draping my arm over them. “I’m not in the mood for jokes.”

“What part of Mom and Dad finding you here basking in your post-coital—ew.” She shivers, scrunching her face. “I don’t even want to think about my brother doing those things.” She dumps my bag at the door, and says, “You have ten minutes to make a clean getaway, Noah. Go.”

I drop my arm to the bed beside me and sit up. “You’re not joking, are you?”


“You do know that I’m an adult, right? I’m fairly certain our parents know that, too.”

“Yep.” She shrugs, taking the doorknob in hand. “If you’re okay explaining why this place smells of bad moves and booze, then stay. It will only add to my entertainment since I’m stuck hanging out with them for the next three days.”