Page 4 of The Wrong Girl

“Well, it’s a lot harder than it looks.” His tone turned slightly defensive, as if I’d implied something abouthisability to do the job instead of the other way around.

I closed my eyes and drew in a deep breath, letting it out before I settled my gaze directly on my father. His silverly hair and beard were perfectly neat, and the robin’s egg-blue Aspen Ridge polo he wore matched his bright eyes. He was every bit the mountain executive: neat enough to be taken seriously, but casual enough to not to be too intimidating.

“I understand the responsibilities of the position, and I believe I am well-qualified to take over when you are ready to retire, Dad.” I even managed a smile to go along with my patient-but-not-condescending tone.

Dad shifted in his seat. “Yes, about that, Izzy-”

I stood abruptly in frustration and snatched my purse. “Dad, I really have to go. I’ll be at the reception hall all day. Call if you need me.”

“Wait, honey, there’s something I want to talk to you about-”

I was already on my way out the door. “I’m sure it can wait for tomorrow, Dad.” I turned on my heel and crossed to the corner chair, bending to kiss his cheek before beelining again to the hallway.

With a final wave, I ducked through the doorway before he could call me back. “I’ll see you tomorrow!”

* * *


* * *

I strode confidently upto the reception desk, which was handsomely decorated with large polished letters spelling out ‘Aspen Ridge Lodging & Hotels’. The young woman behind the desk eyed me curiously, but smiled in greeting all the same.

“Hello, how can I help you?”

I plastered on a smile. “Good morning. I’m supposed to ask for James Tremont, Junior. He’s expecting me.” I winced at my stern voice, and the girl’s eyes narrowed slightly as if I were acting suspiciously.

“You mean JJ? Not a problem. I’ll ring him.”

“Thank you.”

While she made the call, I glanced at my surroundings. Directly behind the desk was a beautiful panoramic photo of the ski resort at peak winter season on a sunny day, taking up an entire wall. Banks of cubicles ran the length of a room tucked away to the left, and to the right appeared to be a row of larger offices disappearing down a hallway.

Sweat gathered at my collar, despite the air conditioning. I resisted the urge to tug at the fabric as my eyes roved the room and made a disturbing discovery: no one else was wearing a suit. Most people wore polo shirts with the resort logo embroidered on the chest, and the few who wore dress shirts had them casually rolled to their sleeves.

Compared to the crowd, I was way overdressed. Maybe it was a casual Friday. Don’t people who work at billion-dollar companies wear suits?

“Jacob!” a deep, friendly voice called out from the direction of the offices, and I turned to see JJ approaching with a wide smile. He had on a polo and khakis like the front desk girl, and a full head of more salt than-pepper hair with a neat, matching beard. “So glad you finally made it. Quite a trip from Alabama! Did the kids enjoy the drive?”

“Jake, sir,” I accepted his handshake. “They’re troopers, they did alright. They’re sort of used to moving. But it’ll be nice to put down some roots.”

“I can’t imagine.” JJ shook his head and patted my shoulder. “Thank you again for your service. We hope you like it here. Although it won’t be quite as exciting as your former career, we get to have a bit of fun. Why don’t we start with a tour? I’ll show you your new office so you can leave your briefcase, and then I’ll give you a rundown of our area of responsibility.”

“Sounds good, sir.” I followed him to a small, plain office. No expansive views of the ski hill, but it at least had a window. I could count on one hand the number of years I’d had one in my fifteen years of service.

“Okay, you’ve got to stop calling me sir, Jake. Never mind the white beard, you’re making me feel old!” JJ chuckled at his own joke.

“Yes, si—I mean, sure thing, JJ. Sorry, habits.” I clasped my hands behind my back to avoid fidgeting and squared my shoulders.

“Understandable. But you’ll soon learn that things aren’t that formal here. I’m sure you’ll settle into it quickly.”

“I’m sure I will.” I set my briefcase on the chair and turned to him. “So, when are we starting?”

He gestured me down the hallway and we made our way back to the elevators. “I thought we’d start downstairs in the hotel, then I could take you to the condo registration, and if you like we could do a full lap of the resort, maybe grab lunch at the base of Peak 7. Our portion here only covers the lodging but the whole place is run by us and the Blackwells, so it’s all sort of family business. Probably good for you to be familiar with the whole enchilada.”

“Sounds great, sir, but I meant when we would start with your daughter?”

He chuckled. “So eager to get to work! No worries, Isabelle isn’t here today, so you get a one-day reprieve. She’s setting up for the employee party.” We boarded the elevator, and he selected the button.