I greeted Larissa when I left the elevator on the top floor and tried to ignore my rapidly elevating heart rate as I made my way down the hall to my office. My dad’s door was open, and I could hear him laughing, then Jake responding with a chuckle and a comment.
Pulse pounding, I set my bag in my office, fluffed my hair, and strode into my father’s office with all the appearance of absolute confidence.
Fake it ’til you make it was definitely my motto.
“Hi Dad, Jake. Did you guys have a good lunch?” I greeted them with a warm smile and friendly tone.
My dad beamed in response, but I didn’t miss Jake’s surprised jump when I spoke. He recovered quickly and turned around to smile as well.
“Yeah, your dad took me to the Peak 9 restaurant today. I think I’m going to have to start packing my lunches if I want to be in shape for ski season,” he joked, and Dad chuckled appreciatively.
“A young buck like you? You’ll be fine. You must work out pretty regularly.”
Fine is right. My brain abandoned all reason and began this completely inappropriate commentary. My eyes roved over his wide shoulders, the fabric of his dress shirt clinging to the hard bulges of muscles. I could practically feel the ghost of his skin under my fingertips, and my thighs clenched involuntarily.
“Well, I normally work out, but I have yet to find a gym since we arrived. If you have any recommendations, I’m open to them.”
“You’re welcome to use the resort facilities for now, if you like,” Dad offered graciously. “They’re pretty quiet, even during winter, but completely dead the rest of the year. I’ll have Larissa get you a key card.”
“That sounds great. I’ll take you up on that. At least for a couple of weeks while I get the lay of the land.”
“Then it’s settled. We’ll go to Season’s for lunch tomorrow. It’s over on Peak 3.”
Jake’s head tipped back, and he laughed, a rich sound that sent tingles down my legs. “You win, no sack lunch tomorrow.”
“I always win,” Dad replied with a mischievous grin.
Time for me to interject. “I hate to break this up, but I’m about to go do my rounds and I thought Jake ought to tag along. You ready?”
He popped out of his seat immediately. “Sure thing. Let me grab my coat.”
I stepped aside so he could pass to his office, and a waft of his cologne struck me by surprise, sending my eyelids fluttering as I breathed in deeply.That scent…
“Izzy, you okay?”
Shit, I have got to get myself under control. “Ellie, Dad, and I’m fine.”
“I don’t know when you decided you didn’t like Izzy,” he grumbled. “I’m an old man. Some habits are hard to break, you know. I’ve been calling you Izzy since you were born.”
“Dad, you’re not that old, and I’ve gone by Ellie for like twenty years. You’re the only one that calls me Izzy, and I’ve asked you not to since I was a teenager.”
“Exactly, it’s special. Why can’t you just let me have this one?”
“Bye, Dad,” I replied with a sigh. “I’ll see you later.”
“Okay, bye Honey. Oh, and Izzy!” He shouted when I started to walk away.
Cringing, I turned. “Yes, Dad?”
“Take it easy on him, will you? It’s his first day.”
I bit back the sarcastic response that rose to my lips, suggesting that such a great military leader ought to be prepared for anything. Instead, I just smiled and replied, “Sure, Dad.”
Jake was waiting for me by the door to my office, suit jacket already buttoned up.
Saliva pooled in my mouth, and my tongue froze in place. The man was too damned handsome. It just wasn’t fair.
I unglued my tongue and said, “Why don’t you step into my office for a minute?”