Page 82 of Reaper

“With the fucking women here,” I spit out, my own anger close to the surface. “Now, are there any questions?”

No one else speaks up.

“We will have two votes then. Those in favor of excommunicating Jug from the club say ‘yay’.”

Every single man here votes yes. Not a single one says no when asked.

I continue on. “Those in favor of permanently removing Jug from here say ‘yay.’”

This time only four of the men in attendance vote yes. The other five voting no.

“You leave with your life Jug. You have thirty days to remove our branding from your body and never come back here again. If we find you, you will pay with your life. Do you understand?”

He nods, spitting blood on the ground.

“Good. In the meantime, Wrath, teach this man how it feels to be the punching bag.”

Wrath gets this sick smile on his face. He enjoys this shit.

“Tara, honey, you should go inside,” he tells her, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.

“No. I want to see it. I need to,” she pleads as she straightens her shoulders, standing tall.

He nods once, handing her over to my girl.

Then we watch as he beats Jug within an inch of his life, leaving him broken and bloody on the ground.

Karma for doing the same to an innocent girl who should have been protected.

After I demand the prospect to clean up the mess and drop Jug in Vegas, I pull Natalie into my side.

Wrath comes back, dropping to his knees in front of Tara.

“He will never touch you again,” he tells her, holding his bloody hands up as if it’s an offering.

Tara hesitantly reaches up to cup his cheek. Then she pulls his head to her stomach hugging him as tears fall down her face.

“Thank you,” she whispers through a sob.

He holds her tighter for a moment before standing, picking her up in his arms.

“You’re with me until you’re healed,” he tells her, taking off toward the clubhouse.

I grimace, looking over at the other guys expecting one to contradict Wrath. They all wisely keep quiet. We will have to discuss him keeping Tara as his own for a couple of weeks, but it can wait.

“That was odd,” Natalie whispers, curling into my side.

“What? The violence or whatever that was?”

She shrugs. “That. Violence I’m used to.”

I pause, turning her so I can see her face. “I didn’t think about that. Are you okay? You shouldn’t have had to witness that.”

“Don’t treat me like glass now, Harrison. I’m getting better every day. I actually think that helped. Seeing an abuser become the abused. I felt like some of the power I lost was given back. I’m glad Wrath did it and I’m glad he’s looking out for Tara now.”

“Me too.”

“I’m glad you are turning out to be a man of your word, Harrison.”