I watch a few of the girls move around. I can tell who’s a girlfriend and who is just a hang-around.
The girlfriends are under the men’s arms and talking with other women. They also dress more conservatively even if they still are dressed much sexier than I am right now in my jeans and T-shirt. The other women are barely dressed. I’m afraid that I’m going to see parts of them I don’t want to see.
I spot Tara standing next to another man. She looks effortlessly beautiful. Tara must feel me staring because she smiles back at me. I lift my hand and wave.
Could I be any more awkward?
“Who’s that guy?” I ask, pointing across the room at them.
“That’s Chap. He’s our resident chaplain,” Wrath answers quickly.
“Is he nice?” I stare at the man.
Wrath doesn’t answer me right away, but when he does, he eases me. “Chap does what he needs to on behalf of the club, but he is a good man. Believes in the afterlife and all that. He’s here to try and save our souls.”
“Huh…” I murmur.
We fall silent again.
“Can I ask you a question?” I ask Wrath quietly, pushing away my insecurities.
“Harrison already explained it a little bit, but can you tell me why you have the girls?”
“Reaper,” he starts. “When you are around the guys, call him Reaper. He may let you call him by his given name, but the men know him as Reaper, and being able to use his name is a sign that he trusts you. Respects you.”
I nod, understanding what he is saying.
He continues, “As for the girls, we call them sweetbutts. I’m not sure when they started, but they’ve always been a thing since before I joined up.”
“Do they really have to sleep with every member?”
He frowns. “I mean they don’t have to do anything. They are here by choice.”
“Are they though? Listen, I'm not trying to look down on your lifestyle. I’m trying to understand.”
“You don’t have to apologize to me. You can ask me anything.” He takes a swig of his beer as he takes in the room. “I guess it’s like this. They choose to come here. We have rules in place for them. It’s supposed to keep them safe but also keep us safe from them. Many of them come here thinking that they are going to change one of us. That they can sink their claws in and we will make them our old lady. That’s not what many of us want. We don’t like being tied down. So they have three rules. One, they can’t be territorial. Two, if they want to live here, they pull their weight. That usually means cleaning or cooking. Getting us drinks and stuff. Finally, three, no drama whatsoever. So do you have to sleep with every man? No. They can say no. Do they? No, but not because we make them. I think it’s more like they feel like they can’t because they want to be useful.”
“What if one of the men was rough with them or they didn’t like what they did during sex? Would they be able to say no then?”
He sighs. “That's why I don’t sleep with them. The things I enjoy are…particular. They aren’t for everyone. I’ve slept with a sweetbutt or two, but then word got around about what I like and now they are afraid of me. I could ask one back to my room. I’m sure they will go with me, but I don’t enjoy forcing women. I need them to enjoy it as much as I do.”
“That’s what I mean. They are afraid to say no, and they shouldn’t be. Most of what you guys do I can overlook, but mistreatment of women I’m not sure about.”
He hums a moment. “Have you talked to any of the girls?”
I shake my head. “They don’t seem to like me much.”
He nods. “Makes sense. You’ve changed the status quo. Before you, there were only two classifications for women in the club. Either you wore a property badge or you were a piece of ass. You’re neither so they don’t know what to do with you. They will though. I think you should try talking to a few and seeing how they feel about it. Maybe it will change your perspective.”
“That’s actually a good idea. I’ll think about it. Sorry, I didn’t mean to unload on you about it.”
He pats my shoulder. “Don’t do that. It’s obviously been bothering you. You shouldn’t bottle your shit up inside. It’s not good for you.”
I snort. “My therapist says the same thing, just more professionally.”
“I bet. Hey, but one piece of advice? Don’t talk to Daniela. She’s been gagging for Reaper’s cock since we were teens. She’s not going to be nice to you.”