Page 67 of Reaper

“Good. And if they don’t?”

I side-eye him. “I punch them in the mother fucking throats.”

It still feels weird saying the phrase he has been having me say at the end of all of our sessions, but I like it.

He smirks. “That’s fucking right. Punch every mother fucker who has ever hurt you or thought about hurting you in the fucking throat. Make them choke on their own air until they realize who exactly they fucked with.”

“Can I ask you something?” I look across the gym.

“Sure.” He seems hesitant.

“Why are you so angry? I mean, you have said you are yourself and some of the girls mentioned you have a reputation. I was just curious. You don’t have to answer that.”

“Hey.” He nudges my leg. “Stop second-guessing yourself. You are a boss bitch. You asked if you could ask me something which is respectful. I said yes. So ask the question and leave it at that. You don’t have to follow it up with a reasoning as to why you are asking or to tell me I don’t have to answer. Understood?”

I nod at him.

He lets out a breath. “When I was a kid, I lived with my mom. She dated a lot of losers. They would often hurt her. I don’t want to go into the details, but one of them killed her one day. I don’t think I ever really got over it. Growing up in violence like that? I think it wired me for violence and anger. There’s no changing it.”

My eyes tear up at his admission. He looks resigned to the fact that he feels he is broken. I don’t think he’s broken though. He’s an amazing man.

“I wouldn’t want to change you for the world, Wrath. You are one of the best people I know.”

He gives me a sad smile. “You only say that because you haven’t really seen who I am. I keep the demons at bay around you. If you saw them, they would scare you. Hell, it would scare anyone.”

It all makes sense to me now. Why he avoids the girls? He’s scared. The rejection he felt with his mom choosing all of those men over him. He doesn’t want to face that with the girls.

“I think if you opened yourself up to others, you’d be surprised. A little demon isn’t so scary when you know that demon is on your side. I would have killed to have someone like you on my side before I came here. Hell, I still would.”

He grows serious. “If I ever get my hands on that man, I will snuff his light out so fucking quick. He won’t even know what hit him. I promise you that. He doesn’t deserve to even breathe the same air as you.”

My eyes start tearing up again. Hearing how vehemently he says the words speaks to the broken part of my soul that has only recently begun to be repaired.

“That means everything to me, Wrath. If you can’t see how good of a person that makes you, you are blind.”

He ducks his head slightly. “Thank you.”

Then he jumps up, shaking off the intimacy of the moment. “Now do you want to go another round or are you done?”

I see what he’s doing and I allow it.

“I’ll never give up.”


Today has been a rough one.I wanted to stay home all day with Natalie, but being the man in charge means added responsibilities.

Mostly, those are easy, but lately they have been difficult.

Micromanaging was never my way, yet I find myself doing it now because I can’t trust most of the men at my back.

Our code has been broken. Until we find the person responsible, we will all be walking on eggshells.

If only we could get a hint as to who it is. Right now we are flying blind with nothing to show for it.

I’m headed back to the clubhouse when the call I’ve been waiting for finally comes in.

“What’s up?” I answer.