Page 96 of Reaper

I clear my throat. “Obviously we have a traitor in our midst. Could be any one of us. I think we can all agree that it’s not me since this seems to be targeted at me. As for everyone else, you’re on notice. I hope like hell that none of you men sitting around me are the rat, but until we know for sure, we are keeping groups small. Every run is on a need-to-know basis and will be divided up among only the most trusted men. We will weed through until we find who is betraying us.”

Everyone is somber, but no one contradicts me. I know each one wants to proclaim their innocence, but they know as well as I do. Words are meaningless at this point. Whoever this person is has already been lying to us for who knows how long. They have looked each one of us in the face and pretended to be with us. The trust that our club has been built on is shaken. We haven’t crumbled as of yet, but if we don’t find this weak link quickly, it will come tumbling down.

“What are we going to do about Danworth?” Wrath’s eyes don’t meet mine, instead taking in the room.

“We need to lure him out. We have been looking for him since he left the casino. He has obviously found a hole to hide in. We need to give him something he wants and dangle it in front of his face,” Twinkie spits out.

“You want to use my girl as bait?” I ask with no expression, trying to hold back my ire.

He loses some of that anger. “I don’t want to. Queen Bee is becoming an integral part of this club. She’s making small changes that all of us guys like, well maybe not some of the old-school guys but still. Not only that, but she’s sweet and kind. The perfect balance to this hard life we lead. Still, we need to do something. We have been playing this game several steps behind him. We need to get ahead.”

“Don’t ask me to put my old lady at risk,” I say coolly, my own mind warring.

As president, I know this is what’s best for the club, but she’s my girl. I don’t want her to be in danger.

The guys aren’t surprised by my claiming of her. They all saw it coming a mile away.

“What if we make it a public place? Somewhere we know she will be seen and give him time to make his move, but have plenty of people around us,” Trigger asks.

“What are you suggesting?”

“We already know he’s in with the Renegades. They will be at the races this weekend. Take your girl out and show her off. Taunt him. See if he takes the bait. We will all be there, and we have friends up there, so we can keep an eye on her. We won’t let anything happen to her.”

“I don’t like it,” I grumble.

“She won’t be safe until we eliminate him, and at this point, knowing we have someone in our house working for him, it makes her vulnerable here as well. It’s a good idea,” Wrath adds.

Colt is quiet.

“What do you think, VP?” I ask him.

He contemplates it a moment. “I don’t like the idea of putting her in harm’s way. If it were my girl, fuck.” He runs his hands down his face. “I wouldn’t be able to do it. I can see the merit, but her safety should come first.”

I’m surprised at his answer. I figured he’d jump on the bandwagon. Especially if he’s working for William. He could tell him all the inside information.

I sigh. “Let me talk to Natalie and see what she thinks. This might be a club decision, but it’s her life too. I won’t take her if she doesn’t want to go.”

Usually an old lady wouldn’t get a say, but this time is different.

They all agree quickly, with Trigger adding, “She’s part of this club too. She’s part of you. So of course she should have a say.”

I nod to him.

“Meeting adjourned. I’ll talk to her now, then we can make a plan.”

As everyone leaves, Wrath waits behind.

“You really think this is a good idea?” I whisper to him.

“She’s like my kid sister. I won’t let anyone hurt her. You stick by her side the entire night. I’ll shadow you. Trigger can be on the cameras. I know Ricky will give him access if we ask. If not, you know he will hack it. Then we position our men throughout to keep an eye out. It’s risky, but our number one priority will be here. Always.”

“Alright then. You get the ball rolling with Trigger. I’ll go see if my woman is up for the task.”

As I stand, Wrath mutters, “She’s stronger than you think. You only need to give her the opportunity to find her strength.”

I don’t respond, letting his words sit in my head as I make my way down the hall to my room. I frown when I find it empty.

Turning around, I make my way back through the building.