She looks over at me for a moment. “You mean that, don’t you?”
“Of course I do. I’m going to do something about it too. If you aren’t safe here, then neither am I. I’m not staying here if it’s unsafe.”
“Reaper has put you under his protection. You are the safest person in this place.” She snorts through her tears.
“For now. What happens when he gets tired of having me around or he solves my problem?”
She shakes her head. “You don’t get it. I’ve seen you on the back of his bike. Seen him hold your hand, pull you in close, even kiss you. Reaper didn’t do any of that before you. You’re not some sweetbutt to him. You’re more.”
I scoff at her. “If you say so. Even so, it doesn’t matter. A man who would put his hands on you like that would gladly do the same to me or anyone else. That’s not okay.”
She looks at me thoughtfully for a moment. “None of the other old ladies even acknowledge us. You’ve always smiled or said hi. Why is that?”
“Is there supposed to be a divide between us? You’re a human being like I am. Why would I ignore you? Treat you differently? It would be different if you were a shitty human being or cruel for no reason, but you are a sweet girl. So are most of the others. Do I agree with the way you are handling your life? No, not really, but it’s none of my business. I don’t have to live with the decisions you make. Kindness is free. It doesn’t cost a thing.”
She takes a deep breath. “What do you think you can really do about it? If I tell you, it will get back to him and then he will make my life even worse. I can’t say no to him. If I do, I get asked to leave. I have no options. I’m stuck.”
Pushing from the wall, I go to her side, brushing her hair off her face.
“If you trust me, I will take care of this. We can do it right now. I just need you to trust me. They won’t make you leave and if they try, then I’ll leave with you.”
I hold out my hand to her. Then I wait.
It takes her several minutes, but then she gives me her hand. I thread our fingers together, pulling her out the door.
Once in the main room, Jacob looks up from whatever he is reading on the counter.
“Whoa, what happened?” he asks, his eyes taking in Tara.
“Leave it. I need to speak with Harr…I mean Reaper. Where is he?”
Jacob shrugs. “They don’t tell me stuff like that. Wrath is over at the garage though.”
I nod. “Next best option. Thanks.”
I pull Tara behind me, but once we are out the door, she pulls back. I look at her, taking in her frightened face.
“Was it Wrath?” I ask, suddenly afraid of her answer.
Wrath has become my closest confidant next to Harrison. It would gut me to find out he is the one who hurt her.
She shakes her head. “No, but he’s not much better. The girls talk about him. He’s always angry and brooding. He’s the most violent. He never actually fucks sweetbutts. He will mess around in front of the others, but he always sends them away telling them that they can’t handle his brand of kink. He scares me.”
My chest feels lighter at her admission.
I snort. “Wrath is fine. You’ll be with me. I’ll deal with him.”
She hesitates but takes my hand once more as I pull her to the shop. I find him working on his bike listening to angry, metal music.
“Wrath,” I call out.
He doesn’t hear me though. I huff out a breath. Leaving Tara by the door, I walk up to the dock where his phone is, pushing pause on his music.
He turns, his face seething.
“What the fuck.”
I see Tara take a step back. I roll my eyes at Wrath.