I swallow hard. “Thank you. How much do I owe you?”
He shakes his head. “Don’t worry about it. You look like you could use some help.”
I peel off two hundred-dollar bills and drop them onto the front seat. “I appreciate it, but I might as well pay you. It’s not my money anyway. It belongs to the bastard that did this to me.”
He smiles. “Alright. You take care, miss.”
“Thanks,” I say as I get out of the car.
I watch as he drives away before I start walking. Thankfully it’s the evening, so the sun isn’t beating down on me. On the flipside, it’s also dark with no streetlights. Each time a coyote howls, it only makes me more nervous.
It feels like I’ll never make it to the clubhouse, but eventually I see the lights up ahead. There’s a large fence surrounding a structure. Several flood lights keep it illuminated in the distance.
As I grow closer, I can hear music.
When I finally spot a figure, I feel tears prick my eyes. One step closer to freedom.
“Stop where you are,” the figure calls out.
I do as he asks.
“Turn around. We don’t want whatever you have,” the man calls.
I clear my throat. “I need help. Please.”
He says something I can’t hear, then he’s quiet for several seconds.
“We can’t help you, hun. Keep moving,” he finally says.
“Please. I need to speak with Kingston.”
Another long pause of silence.
“What’s your name?”
“Natalie Fairless. Please tell him it’s important. I need to speak with him right away.” At this point, the tears are falling.
I can feel my hope slipping away. They aren’t going to help me.
I’m truly alone.
“Boss, we have some chick here—”
“So get rid of her. Why are you calling me?” I interrupt him.
“She arrived on foot. She sounds shaken up. She’s asking to speak with Kingston. What do you want me to do?”
My body freezes at the sound of my last name.
“What’s her name?”
“Natalie Fairless,” Larry tells me on the phone.
I rub my forehead. “I don’t know the chick.”
“Want me to turn her away?”